World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Bassui Zenji


Bassui Zenji : Biography

At an early age Bassui began to question his own nature, and he soon set out to find a Master. During his search he never stayed overnight in a temple but rather made his home in some isolated hut where he would practice zazen hour after hour and ponder his own natural koan, "who is the Master?" Finally he met the Master Koho Zenji and reached enlightenment.

Source : Jonathan Star, The Inner Treasure

Bassui Zenji : Links

Buddhism / Mahayana, Bassui Zenji, Bodhidharma, Chen-houei du Ho-tso, Eihei Dogen, Genpo Sensei, Gizan, Gudo Roshi Nishijima, Hakuin, Huang Po, Hui Neng, Huiyan, Lin-tsi , Roshi Suzuki, Roshi Yamada, Szu-hsin Wu-hsin, Taisen Deshimaru, The Seng-ts’an, The Shobo Genzo, The Zenrin Kushu, Ts’ao-shan Pen-chi, Tsong-mi, Wang Wei, Wou-men, Yoka Daishi, Yung-chia Ta-shih, etc.
