World  Sacred  Scriptures

The wisdom of The Amitayurbhavana Sutra

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T he Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “Those who attain birth on the middle level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who violate the five precepts, the eight precepts or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun. A foolish person such as these steals from the Sangha or takes the personal belongings of monks, or preaches the Dharma with impure motives but feels no remorse. Thus he defiles himself by evil karma, and because of this he will fall into hell. When he is about to die and the flames of hell suddenly close in on him, he may meet a good teacher, who compassionately explains to him the ten supernal powers of Amitayus, fully describing the majestic power of the light of that Buddha, his virtues in the observance of the precepts, meditation, wisdom, emancipation and knowledge of emancipation. When he has heard this, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara are extinguished; thus, the fierce flames of hell turn into cool and refreshing breezes, wafting heavenly flowers. On each flower is a transformed Buddha accompanied by bodhisattvas welcoming him. In an instant, he attains birth within a lotus-bud on a seven-jewelled pond.”

quote 8070  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

B ecause he calls the Amitabha’s Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara is extinguished.

quote 8065  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

T hose who attain birth on the highest level of the highest grade are sentient beings who resolve to be born in that land, awaken the three kinds of faith and so are born there. What are the three? They are, first, the sincere faith; second, the deep faith; and third, the faith that seeks birth there by transferring one’s merit.

quote 8062  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

T he ocean of perfectly and universally enlightened Buddhas thus arises in the meditating mind. For this reason, you should single mindedly concentrate and deeply contemplate the Buddha.

quote 8034  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

W hen you contemplate a Buddha, that mind itself takes the form of his thirty-two physical characteristics and eighty secondary marks. Your mind produces the Buddha’s image, and is itself the Buddha.

quote 8032  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

B uddhas, Tathagatas, have cosmic bodies, and so enter into the meditating mind of each sentient being.

quote 8031  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

T aking the three refuges, keeping the various precepts and refraining from breaking the rules of conduct.

quote 7841  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

A wakening aspiration for Enlightenment, believing deeply in the law of causality, chanting the Mahayana sutras and encouraging people to follow their teachings.

quote 7746  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

B ecause he calls9 the Amitabha’s Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas10 of Samsara11 is extinguished.

quote 7730  |   The Amitayurbhavana Sutra
Translated by Hisao Inagaki. 

9 He chants the Amitabha’s Name.
10 Kalpa: An aeon, or an extraordinarily long period of time.(?:??;????????)
11 Samsara: Cycle of rebirth.(??:??????)

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