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(William Wake and Solomon Caesar Malan version)

3. 1  
WHEREFORE, brethren, leaving willingly for conscience sake our sojourning in this world, let us do the will of him who has called us, and not fear to depart out of this world.
3. 2  
For the Lord saith, [*141:7] Ye shall be as sheep in the midst of wolves. Peter answered and said, What if the wolves shall tear in pieces the sheep? Jesus said unto Peter, Let not the sheep fear the wolves after death: [*141:8] And ye also fear not those that kill you, and after that have no more that they can do unto you; but fear him who after you are dead, has power to cast both soul and body into hell-fire.
3. 3  
For consider, brethren, that the sojourning of this flesh in the present world, is but little, and of a short continuance, but the promise of Christ is great and wonderful, even the rest of the kingdom that is to come, and of eternal life.
3. 4  
What then must we do that we may attain unto it?--We must [*142:1] order our conversation holily and righteously, and look upon all the things of this world as none of ours, and not desire them. For, if we desire to possess them we fall from the way of righteousness.
3. 5  
For thus saith the Lord, [*142:2] No servant can serve two masters. If therefore we shall desire to serve God and Mammon it will be without profit to us. [*142:3] For what will it profit, if one gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
3. 6  
Now this world and that to come are two enemies. This speaketh of adultery and corruption, of covetousness and deceit; but renounces these things.
3. 7  
We cannot, therefore, be the friends of both; but we must resolve by forsaking the one, to enjoy the other. And we think it is better to hate the present things, as little, short-lived, and corruptible, and to love those which are to come, which are truly good and incorruptible.
3. 8  
For, if we do the will of Christ, we shall find rest: but if not, nothing shall deliver us from eternal punishment if we shall disobey his commands. For even thus saith the Scripture in the prophet Ezekiel, [*142:4] If Noah, Job, and Daniel should rise up, they shall not deliver their children in captivity.
3. 9  
Wherefore, if such righteous men are not able by their righteousness to deliver their children; how can we hope to enter into the kingdom of God, except we keep our baptism holy and undefiled? Or who shall be our advocate, unless we shall be found to have done what is holy and just?
3. 10  
Let us, therefore, my brethren, contend with all earnestness, knowing that our combat is at hand; and that many go long voyages to encounter for a corruptible reward.
3. 11  
And yet all are not crowned, but they only that labour much, and strive gloriously. Let us, therefore, so contend, that we may all be crowned. Let us run in the straight road, the race that is incorruptible: and let us in great numbers pass unto it, and strive that we may receive the crown. But and if we cannot all be crowned, let us come as near to it as we are able.
3. 12  
Moreover, we must consider, that he who contends in a corruptible combat, if he be found doing anything that is not fair, is taken away and scourged, and cast out of the lists. What think ye then that he shall suffer, who does anything that is not fitting in the combat of immortality?
3. 13  
Thus speaks the prophet concerning those who keep not their seal; [*142:5] Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; and they shall be for a spectacle unto all flesh.
3. 14  
Let us therefore repent, whilst we are yet upon the earth: for we are as clay in the hand of the artificer. For as the potter if he make a vessel, and it be turned amiss in his hands, or broken, again forms it anew; but if he have gone so far as to throw it into the furnace of fire, he can no more bring any remedy to it.
3. 15  
So we, whilst we are in this world, [*143:1] should repent with our whole heart for whatsoever evil we have done in the flesh; while we have yet the time of repentance, that we may be saved by the Lord.
3. 16  
For after we shall have departed out of this world, we shall no longer be able to confess our sins or repent [*143:2] in the other.
3. 17  
Wherefore, brethren, let us doing the will of the Father, and keeping our flesh pure, and observing the commandments of the Lord, lay hold on eternal life: for the Lord saith in the gospel, [*143:3] If ye have not kept that which was little, who will give you that which is great?--For I say unto you, he that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much.
3. 18  
This, therefore, is what he saith; keep your bodies pure, and your seal without spot, that ye may receive eternal life.

^141:7 Matt. v. 16. ^141:8 Luke xii. 4, 5. ^142:1 MS. Alexander. osius kai diakaius ansrefesthai. ^142:2 Luke xvi. 13. ^142:3 Matt. xvi 26. ^142:4 Ezek. xiv. 14, 20. ^142:5 Isaiah lxvi. 24. ^143:1 Let us repent. ^143:2 There. ^143:3 Luke xvi. 10, 12.

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Chapter 3
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