The Third Book of HERMAS, which is called his SIMILITUDES.
> The Third Book of HERMAS, which is called his SIMILITUDES.  >
85 Verses | Page 2 / 2
(William Wake and Solomon Caesar Malan version)

8. 51  
Hearken, said he: they whose rods have been found dry and rotten, and as it were touched with the moth; are the deserters and the betrayers of the church.
8. 52  
Who with the rest of their crimes, have also blasphemed the Lord, and denied his name which had been called upon them. Therefore all these are dead unto God: and thou seest that none of them have repented, although they have heard my commands which thou hast delivered unto them. From these men therefore life is far distant.
8. 53  
They also who have delivered up their rods dry, but not rotten, have not been far from them. For they have been counterfeits, and brought in evil doctrines; and have perverted the servants of God: but especially those who had sinned; not suffering them to return unto repentance, but keeping them back by their false doctrines.
8. 54  
These therefore have hope; and thou seest that many of them have repented, since the time that thou hast laid my commands before them; and many more will yet repent. But they that shall not repent shall lose both repentance and life.
8. 55  
But they that have repented, their place is begun to be within the first walls, and some of them are even gone into the tower. Thou seest therefore, said he, that in the repentance of sinners there is life; but for those who repent not, death is prepared.
8. 56  
Hear now concerning those who gave in their rods half dry and full of clefts. Those whose rods were only half dry, are the doubtful; for they are neither living nor dead.
8. 57  
But they who delivered in their rods, not only half dry but also full of clefts, are both doubtful and evil speakers; who detract from those who are absent, and have never peace among themselves, and that envy one another.
8. 58  
Howbeit to those also repentance is offered; for thou seest that some of these have repented.
8. 59  
Now all those of this kind who have quickly repented, shall have a place in the tower; but they who have been more slow in their repentance, shall dwell within the walls; but they that shall not repent, but shall continue on in their wicked doings, shall die the death.
8. 60  
As for those who had their rods green, but yet cleft; they are such as were always faithful and good, but they had some envy and strife among themselves concerning dignity and pre-eminence.
8. 61  
Now all such are vain and without understanding, as contend with one another about these things.
8. 62  
Nevertheless, seeing they are otherwise good, if when they shall hear these commands they shall amend themselves, and shall at my persuasion suddenly repent; they shall at last dwell in the tower, as they who have truly and worthily repented.
8. 63  
But if any one shall again return to his dissension; he shall be shut out from the tower, and shall lose his life. For the life of those who keep the commandments of the Lord consists in doing what they are commanded; not in principality, or in any other dignity.
8. 64  
For by forbearance and humility of mind, men shall attain unto life; but by seditions and contempt of the law, they shall purchase death unto themselves.
8. 65  
They who in their rods had half dry and half green, are those who are engaged in many affairs of the world, and are not joined to the saints. For which cause half of them liveth, and half is dead.
8. 66  
Wherefore many of these since the time that they have heard my commands, have repented, and begun to dwell in the tower. But some of them have wholly fallen away; to these there is no more place for repentance.
8. 67  
For by reason of their present interests, they have blasphemed and denied God: and for this wickedness they have lost life. And of these many are still in doubt; these may yet return; and if they shall quickly repent, they shall have a place in the tower; but if they shall be more slow, they shall dwell within the walls; but if they shall not repent, they shall die. [*245:1]
8. 68  
As for those who had two parts of their rods green, and the third dry; they have by manifold ways denied the Lord. Of those many have repented, and found a place in the tower: and many have altogether departed from God. These have utterly lost life.
8. 69  
And some being in a doubtful state, have raised up dissensions: these may yet return, if they shall suddenly repent and not continue in their lusts; but if they shall continue in their evil doing they shall die.
8. 70  
They who gave in their rods two parts dry, and the other green; are those who have indeed been faithful, but withal rich and full of good things; and thereupon have desired to be famous among the heathen which are without, and have thereby fallen into great pride, and begun to aim at high matters, and to forsake the truth.
8. 71  
Nor were they joined to the [*246:1] saints, but lived with the heathen; and this life seemed the more pleasant to them. Howbeit they have not departed from God, but continued in the faith; only they have not wrought the works of faith.
8. 72  
Many therefore of these have repented, and begun to dwell in the tower. Yet others still living among the heathen people, and being lifted up with their vanities, have utterly fallen away from God, and followed the works and wickednesses of the heathen. These kind of men therefore are reckoned among strangers to the Gospel.
8. 73  
Others of these began to be doubtful in their minds; despairing by reason of their wicked doings ever to attain unto salvation: Others being thus made doubtful, did moreover stir up dissensions.
8. 74  
To these therefore, and to those who by reason of their doings are become doubtful, there is still hope of return; but they must repent quickly, that their place may be in the tower. But they that repent not, but continue still in their pleasures, are nigh unto death.
8. 75  
As for those who gave in their rods green, excepting their tops, which only were dry, and had clefts; these were always good, and faithful, and [*246:2] upright before God: nevertheless they sinned a little, by reason of their empty pleasures and trifling thoughts which they had within themselves.
8. 76  
Wherefore many of them when they heard my words, repented forthwith, and began to dwell in the tower. Nevertheless some grew doubtful, and others to their doubtful minds added dissensions. To these therefore there is still hope of return, because they were always good; but they shall not hardly be moved.
8. 77  
As for those, lastly, who gave in their rods dry, their tops only excepted, which alone were green: they are such as have believed indeed in God, but have lived in wickedness; yet without departing from God: having always willingly borne the name of the Lord; and readily received into their houses the servants of God.
8. 78  
Wherefore hearing these things they returned, and without delay repented, and lived in all righteousness. And some of them suffered death: others readily underwent many trials, being mindful of their evil doings.
8. 79  
And when he had ended his explications of all the rods, he said unto me, Go, and say unto all men that they repent, aid they shall live unto God: because the Lord being moved with great clemency hath sent me to preach repentance unto all.
8. 80  
Even unto those who by reason of their evil doings, deserve not to attain unto salvation. But the Lord will be patient, and keep the invitation that was made by his Son.
8. 81  
I said unto him, Sir, I hope that all when they shall hear these things, will repent. For I trust that everyone acknowledging his crimes, and taking up the fear of the Lord, will return unto repentance.
8. 82  
He said unto me, Whosoever shall repent with all their hearts, and cleanse themselves from all the evils that I have before mentioned, and not add anything more to their sins, shall receive from the Lord the cure of their former iniquities, if they shall not make any doubt of these commands, and shall live unto God.
8. 83  
But they that shall continue to add to their transgressions, and shall still converse with the lusts of the present world, shall condemn themselves unto death. But do thou walk in these commands, and whosoever shall walk in these, and exercise them rightly, shall live unto God.
8. 84  
And having shewed me all these things, he said; I will shew thee the rest in a few days.

^242:1 Moved. ^242:2 MS. Lamb. Haec autem lex Filius Dei est, praedicatus, &c. ^242:3 Satisfied. ^243:1 Sabano. Vid. Edit. Oxon. p. 129. not. d. ^244:1 MS. Lamb. Minimum habuerant viride. ^244:2 Sea. ^245:1 Lamb. MS. Quamplurimis generibus inficiati. ^246:1 Righteous. ^246:2 Probi.

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