Reading map

The Chikhai Bardo [The Bardo of the Moments of Death]

Chapter 1[Instructions on the Symptoms of Death, or the First Stage of the Chikhai Bardo: The Primary Clear Light Seen at the Moment of Death]
Chapter 2[Instructions Concerning the Second Stage of the Chikhai Bardo: The Secondary Clear Light Seen Immediately After Death]

The Chönyid Bardo [The Bardo of the Experiencing of Reality]

Chapter 1[Introductory Instructions Concerning the Experiencing of Reality During the Third Stage of the Bardo, Called the Chönyid Bardo, when the Karmic Apparitions Appear]
Chapter 2[The Dawning of the Peaceful Deities, from the First to the Seventh Day]
Chapter 3[The First Day]
Chapter 4[The Second Day]
Chapter 5[The Third Day]
Chapter 6[The Fourth Day]
Chapter 7[The Fifth Day]
Chapter 8[The Sixth Day]
Chapter 9[The Seventh Day]
Chapter 10[The Dawning of the Wrathful Deities, from the Eight to the Fourteenth Day]
Chapter 11[The Eighth Day]
Chapter 12[The Ninth Day]
Chapter 13[The Tenth Day]
Chapter 15[The Twelfth Day]
Chapter 16[The Thirteenth Day]
Chapter 17[The Fourteenth Day]
Chapter 18[The Conclusion, Showing the Fundamental Importance of the Bardo Teachings]

The Sidpa Bardo

PART I [The After-Death World]

Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2[The Bardo Body: Its Birth and Its Supernormal Faculties]
Chapter 3[Characteristics of Existence in the Intermediate State]
Chapter 4[The Judgement]
Chapter 5[The All-Determining Influence of Thought]
Chapter 6[The Dawning of the Lights of the Six Lokas]

Part II: [The Process of Rebirth]

Chapter 1[The Closing of the Door of the Womb]
Chapter 2[Method of Preventing Entry into a Womb]
Chapter 3[The First Method of Closing the Womb-Door]
Chapter 4[The Second Method of Closing the Womb-Door]
Chapter 5[The Third Method of Closing the Womb-Door]
Chapter 6[The Fourth Method of Closing the Womb-Door]
Chapter 7[The Fifth Method of Closing the Womb-Door]
Chapter 8[The Choosing of the Womb-Door]
Chapter 9[The Premonitory Visions of the Place of Rebirth]
Chapter 10[The Protection Against the Tormenting Furies]
Chapter 11[The Alternative Choosing: Supernormal Birth; or Womb-Birth]
Chapter 12[Supernormal Birth by Transference to a Paradise Realm]
Chapter 13[Womb-Birth: The Return to the Human World]
Chapter 14[The General Conclusion]

The Appendix

Chapter 1[I: The Invocation of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas]
Chapter 2[II:] 'The Path of Good Wishes for Saving from the Dangerous Narrow Passageway of the Bardo' is [as follows]:
Chapter 3[III:] Here beginneth
Chapter 4[IV:] Here beginneth
Chapter 5[V: The Colophon]
