Kung-tu Tzu asked, "We are all human beings. Why is it that vow men become great and others become small?" Mencius said, “Those who follow the greater qualities in their nature become great and those who follow the smaller qualities in their nature become small men." "But we are all human beings. Why is it that some follow greater qualities and others follow their smaller qualities?" Mencius replied "When our senses of sight and hearing are used without thought and are thereby obscured by material things, the material things act on the material senses and lead them astray. That is all. The function of the mind is to think. If we think, we will get them (the principles of things). If we do not think, we will not get them. This is what Heaven has given to us. If we first build up the nobler part of our nature, then the inferior part cannot overcome it. It is simply this that makes a man great.”


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