We look at it and do not see it; its name is The Invisible. We listen to it and do not hear it; its name is The Inaudible. We touch it and do not find it; Its name is The Subtle (formless). These three cannot be further inquired into, And hence merge into one. Going up high, it is not bright, and coming down low, it is not dark. Infinite and boundless, it cannot be given any name; It reverts to nothingness. This is called shape without shape, Form (hsiang) without object. It is The Vague and Elusive. Meet it and you will not see its head. Follow it and you will not see its back. Hold on to the Tao of old in order to master the things of the present. From this one may know the primeval beginning [of the universe]. This is called the bond of Tao (1).

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