Hear with your cars that which is the sovereign good; With a clear mind look upon the two sides Between which each man must choose for himself, Watchful beforehand that the great test may be accomplished in our favour, (2) Now at the beginning the twin spirits have declared their nature, The better and the evil, In thought and word and deed. And between the two The wise ones choose well, not so the foolish. (3) And when these two spirits came together, In the beginning they established life and non-life, And that at the last the worst experience should be for the wicked, But for the righteous one the Best Mind. (4) Of these two spirits, the evil one chose to do the worst things, But the most Holy Spirit, clothed in the most steadfast heavens, joined himself unto Righteousness; And thus did all those who delight to please the Wise Lord by honest deeds. (5) Between the two, the false gods also did "not choose rightly, For while they pondered they were beset by error, So that they chose the Worst Mind. Then did they hasten to join themselves unto Fury, That they might by it deprave the existence of man. (6)

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