68 Verses | Page 2 / 2
(William Wake and Solomon Caesar Malan version)

2. 51  
O my son! a living dog is better than a dead poor man.
2. 52  
O my son! a poor man who does right is better than a rich man who is dead in sins.
2. 53  
O my son! keep a word in thy heart, and it shall be much to thee, and beware lost thou reveal the secret of thy friend.
2. 54  
O my son! let not a word issue from thy mouth till thou hast taken counsel with thy heart. And stand not betwixt persons quarrelling, because from a bad word there comes a quarrel, and from a quarrel there comes war, and from war there comes fighting, and thou wilt be forced to bear witness; but run from thence and rest thyself.
2. 55  
O my son! withstand not a man stronger than thyself, but get thee a patient spirit, and endurance and an upright conduct, for there is nothing more excellent than that.
2. 56  
O my son! hate not thy first friend, for the second one may not last.
2. 57  
O my son! visit the poor in his affliction, and speak of him in the Sultan's presence, and do thy diligence to save him from the mouth of the lion. [*203:2]
2. 58  
O my son! rejoice not in the death of thine enemy, for after a little while thou shalt be his neighbour, and him who mocks thee do thou respect and honour and be beforehand with him in greeting.
2. 59  
O my son! if water would stand still in heaven, and a black crow become white, and myrrh grow sweet as honey, then ignorant men and fools might understand and become wise.
2. 60  
O my son! if thou desire to be wise, restrain thy tongue from lying, and thy hand from stealing, and thine eyes from beholding evil; then thou wilt be called wise.
2. 61  
O my son! let the wise man beat thee with a rod, but let not the fool anoint thee with sweet salve. Be humble in thy youth and thou shalt be honoured in thine old age.
2. 62  
O my son! withstand not a man in the days of his power, nor a river in the days of its flood.
2. 63  
O my son! be not hasty in the wedding of a wife, for if it turns out well, she will say, 'My lord, make provision for me'; and if it turns out ill, she will rate at him who was the cause of it.
2. 64  
O my son! whosoever is elegant in his dress, he is the same in his speech; and he who has a mean appearance in his dress, he also is the same in his speech.
2. 65  
O my son! if thou hast committed a theft, make it known to the Sultan, and give him a share of it, that thou mayst be delivered from him, for otherwise thou wilt endure bitterness.
2. 66  
O my son! make a friend of the man whose hand is satisfied and filled, and make no friend of the man whose hand is closed and hungry.
2. 67  
There are four things in which neither the king nor his army can be secure: oppression by the vizier, and bad government, and perversion of the will, and tyranny over the subject; and four things which cannot be hidden: the prudent, and the foolish, and the rich, and the poor.'

^201:1 Cf. Psalms CXLI. 4. ^203:1 Cf. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." ^203:2 Cf. 2 Timothy, IV, 17.

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Chapter 2
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