Mihr Yasht (chapter 10)
> Mihr Yasht (chapter 10)  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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10. 100  
'At his right hand drives the good, holy Sraosha; at his left hand drives the tall and strong Rashnu; on all sides around him drive the waters, the plants, and the Fravashis of the faithful.
- dashinem hê upa aredhem vazaite ýô vanghush sraoshô ashyô, vairya-stârem hê upa aredhem vazaite rashnush berezô ýô amavå, vîspê hê upa aredhem vazeñti ýå âpô ýåsca urvarå ýåsca ashaonãm fravashayô. (Ⅱ)
10. 101  
'In his might, he ever brings to them falcon-feathered arrows, and, when diiving, he himself comes there, where are nations, enemy to Mithra, he, first and foremost, strikes blows with his club on the horse and his rider; he throws fear and fright upon the horse and his rider. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- avi-dîsh aêm xshayamnô hamatha baraiti ishavô erezifyô-parena, âat ýat athra para-jasaiti vazemnô ýathra dainghâvô avi-mithranyå hô paoiryô gadhãm nijaiñti aspaêca paiti vîraêca, hathra tarshta thrånghayete vaya aspa-vîraja. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [26] (Ⅱ)
10. 102  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'The warrior of the white horse, of the sharp spear, the long spear, the quick arrows; foreseeing and clever;
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem aurushâspem tizhi-arshtîm darekha-areshtaêm xshviwi-ishûm parô-kevîdhem hunairyåñcim rathaêshtãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 103  
'Whom Ahura Mazda has established to maintain and look over all this moving115 world, and who maintains and looks over all this moving world; who, never sleeping, wakefully guards the creation of Mazda; who, never sleeping, wakefully maintains the creation of Mazda; 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- ýim haretâremca aiwyâxshtâremca fradathat ahurô mazdå vîspayå fravôish gaêthayå, ýô haretaca aiwyâxshtaca vîspayå fravôish gaêthayå, ýô anavanguhabdemnô zaênangha nipâiti mazdå dâmãn ýô anavanguhabdemnô zaênangha nishhaurvaiti mazdå dâmãn. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [27] (Ⅱ)
10. 104  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Whose long arms, strong with Mithra-strength, encompass what he seizes in the easternmost river and what he beats with the westernmost river, what is by the Sanaka of the Rangha and what is by the boundary of the earth.
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýenghe darekhâcit bâzava fragreweñti mithrô-aojanghô ýatcit ushastaire hiñdvô âgeurvayeite ýatcit daoshataire nikhne ýatcit sanake ranghayå ýatcit vîmaidhîm ainghå zemô. (Ⅱ)
10. 105  
'And thou, O Mithra! encompassing all this around, do thou reach it, all over, with thy arms. 'The man without glory, led astray from the right way, grieves in his heart; the man without glory thinks thus in himself: "That careless Mithra does not see all the evil that is done, nor all the lies that are told."
- temcit mithrô hañgrefshemnô pairi apaya bâzuwe, dushhvarenå nashtô razishta ashâtô asti anguhaya, itha mainyete dushhvarenå, nôit imat vîspem duzhvarshtem nôit vîspem aiwi-druxtêe mithrô vaênaiti apishma. (Ⅱ)
10. 106  
'But I think thus in my heart: '"Should the evil thoughts of the earthly man be a hundred times worse, they would not rise so high as the good thoughts of the heavenly Mithra; '"Should the evil words of the earthly man be a hundred times worse, they would not rise so high as the good words of the heavenly Mithra; '"Should the evil deeds of the earthly man be a hundred times worse, they would not rise so high as the good deeds of the heavenly Mithra;
- âat azem manya mananghô, nôit mashyô gaêthyô stê aojô manyete dushmatem ýatha mithrascit mainyavô aojô manyete humatem, nôit mashyô gaêthyô stê aojô mraoiti duzhuxtem ýatha mithrascit mainyavô aojô mraoiti hûxtem, nôit mashyô gaêthyô stê aojô verezyeiti duzhvarshtem ýatha mithrascit mainyavô aojô verezyeiti hvarshtem. (Ⅱ)
10. 107  
'"Should the heavenly wisdom in the earthly man be a hundred times greater, it would not rise so high as the heavenly w'isdom in the heavenly Mithra; ''And thus, should the ears of the earthly man hear a hundred time better, he would not hear so well as the heavenly Mithra, whose ear hears well who has a thousand senses, and sees every man that tells a lie." 'Mithra stands up in his strength, he drives in the awfulness of royalty, and sends from his eyes beautiful looks that shine from afar, (saying):
- nôit mashîm gaêthîm stê masyå hacaite âsnô xratush ýatha mithremcit mainyaom hacaite âsnascit xratush, nôit mashyô gaêthyô stê aojô surunaoiti gaoshaiwe ýatha mithrascit mainyavô srut-gaoshô hazangra-ýaoxshtish vîspem vaênaiti druzhiñtem, amava mithrô fraxshtâite ukhra vazaite xshathrahe srîra dadhâiti daêmâna dûrât-sûka dôithrâbya, (Ⅱ)
10. 108  
''Who will offer me a sacrifice? Who will lie unto me? Who thinks me a god worthy of a good sacrifice? Who thinks me worthy only of a bad sacrifice? To whom shall I, in my might, impart brightness and glory? To whom bodily health? To whom shall I, in my might, impart riches and full weal? Whom shall I bless by raising him a virtuous offspring?
- kô mãm ýazâite kô druzhât kô huyeshti kô duzhyeshti mãm zî mainyete ýazatem, kahmâi raêshca hvarenasca kahmâi tanvô drvatâtem azem baxshâni xshayamnô, kahmâi îshtîm pourush-hvâthrãm azem baxshâni xshayamnô kahmâi âsnãmcit frazaiñtîm us apara barezayeni, (Ⅱ)
10. 109  
"'To whom shall I give in return, without his thinking of it, the awful sovereignty, beautifully. arrayed, with many armies, and most perfect; the sovereignty of an all-powerful tyrant, who fells down heads, valiant, smiting, and unsmitten; who orders chastisement to be done and his order is done at once, which he has ordered in his anger?" 'O Mithra! when thou art offended and not satisfied, he soothes thy mind, and makes Mithra satisfied.
- kahmâi azem ukhrem xshathrem hvainisaxtem pouru-spâdhem amainimnahe mananghô paiti-dathâni vahishtem sâthrascit hamô-xshathrahe kameredhô-janô aurvahe vanatô avanemnahe ýô nishtayeiti keretêe sraoshyãm, ishare hâ nishtâta kiryeiti ýezi grañtô nishtayeiti tbishtahecit axshnushtahe mithra manô râmayeiti huxshnûitîm paiti mithrahe. (Ⅱ)
10. 110  
'"To whom shall I, in my might, impart sickness and death? To whom shall I impart poverty and sterility? Of whom shall I at one stroke cut off the offspring!
- kahmâi ýaskemca mahrkemca kahmâi ainishtîm ducithrem azem baxshâni xshayamnô, kahmâi âsnãmcit frazaiñtîm hathra-jata nijanâni, (Ⅱ)
10. 111  
'"From whom shall I take away, without his thinking of it, the awful sovereignty, beautifully arrayed, with many armies, and most perfect; the sovereignty of an all-powerful tyrant, who fells down heads, valiant, smiting, and unsmitten; who orders chastisement to be done and his order is done at once, which he has ordered in his anger." 'O Mithra! while thou art satisfied and not angry, he moves thy heart to anger, and makes Mithra unsatisfied. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- kahmâi azem ukhrem xshathrem hvainisaxtem pouru-spâdhem amainimnahe mananghô apabarâni vahishtem sâthrascit hamô-xshathrahe kameredhô-janô aurvahe vanatô avanemnahe ýô nishtayeiti keretêe sraoshyãm, ishare hâ nishtâta kiryeti ýezi grañtô nishtayeiti xshnûtahecit atbishtahe mithra manô ýaozayeiti axshnûitîm paiti mithrahe. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [28] (Ⅱ)
10. 112  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'A warrior with a silver helm, a golden cuirass, who kills with the poniard, strong, valiant, lord of the borough. Bright are the ways of Mithra, by which he goes towards the country, when, wishing well, he turns its plains and vales to pasture grounds,
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, erezatô-frashnem zaranyô-vârethmanem ashtranghâdhem amavañtem taxmem vîspaitîm rathaêshtãm, cithrå mithrahe frayanå ýase-tãm dah'yûm âcaraiti ýatha huberetô baraiti pathanå jafrå gaoyaotêe âat hva pasu vîra vasô-xshathrô fracaraite. (Ⅱ)
10. 113  
'And then cattle and males come to graze, as many as he wants. 'May Mithra and Ahura, the high gods, come to us for help, when the poniard lifts up its voice aloud, when the nostrils of the horses quiver, when the poniards ...., when the, strings of the bows whistle and shoot sharp arrows; then the brood of those whose libations are hated fall smitten to the ground, with their hair torn off.
- tadha nô jamyât avainghe mithra ahura berezañta ýat berezem barât ashtra vâcim aspanãmca srifa xshufsãn ashtrå kahvãn jyå navithyãn tikhrånghô ashtayô tadha hunavô gouru-zaothranãm jata paithyåñte frâ-veresa. (Ⅱ)
10. 114  
'So mayest thou, O Mithra, lord of wide pastures! give swiftness to our teams, strength to our own bodies, and that we may watch with full success those who hate us, smite down our foes, and destroy at one stroke our adversaries, our enemies, and those who hate us. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- adha-nô-tûm mithra vouru-gaoyaoite zâvare dayå hitaêibyô drvatâtem tanubyô pouru-spaxshtîm tbishyañtãm paiti-jaitîm dushmainyunãm hathrânivâitîm hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [29] (Ⅱ)
10. 115  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake. 'O Mithra, lord of wide pastures! thou master of the house, of the borough, of the town, of the country, thou Zarathushtrotema!
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, âi mithra vouru-gaoyaoite nmânya ratvô vîsya zañtuma dah'yuma zarathushtrôtema. (Ⅱ)
10. 116  
'Mithra is twentyfold between two friends or two relations; 'Mithra is thirtyfold between two men of the same group; 'Mithra is fortyfold between two partners; 'Mithra is fiftyfold between wife and husband; 'Mithra is sixtyfold between two pupils (of the same master); 'Mithra is seventyfold between the pupil and his master; 'Mithra is eightyfold between the son-in-law and his father-in-law; 'Mithra is ninetyfold between two brothers;
- vîsaitivå asti mithrô añtare hasha suptidhareñga thrisathwå añtare varezâna cathwaresathwå añtare hadhô-gaêtha pañca-sathwå añtare huyâkhna xshvashtivå añtare hâvishta haptaithivå añtare aêthrya aêthra-paiti ashtaithivå añtare zâmâtara hvasura navaitivå añtare brâthra, (Ⅱ)
10. 117  
'Mithra is a hundredfold between the father and the son; 'Mithra is a thousandfold between two nations; 'Mithra is ten thousandfold when connected with the Law of Mazda, and then he will be every day of victorious strength.
- satâyush añtare pitare puthremca hazangrâish añtare dah'yu baêvarôish asti mithrô ýô daênayå mâzdayasnôish ava hacaite amahe ayãn atha anghâiti verethrakhnahe. (Ⅱ)
10. 118  
'May I come unto thee with a prayer that goes lowly or goes highly! As this sun rises up above the Hara Berezaiti and then fulfils its career, so may I, O Spitama! with a prayer that goes lowly or goes highly, rise up above the will of the fiend Angra Mainyu! 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- nemangha adhara dâta âjasâni upara dâta, ýatha avat hvarexshaêtem tarasca harãm berezaitîm fraca âiti aiwica vazaite avatha azemcit spitama nemangha adhara dâta âjasâni upara dâta tarasca angrahe mainyêush drvatô zaoshã. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [30] (Ⅱ)
10. 119  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastwes, .... sleepless, and ever awake, 'Offer up a sacrifice unto Mithra, O Spitama! and order thy pupils to do the same. 'Let the worshipper of Mazda sacrifice unto thee with small cattle, with black cattle, with flying birds, gliding forward on wings.
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, mithrem ýazaêsha spitama framrvisha aêthryanãm, ýazayañta thwãm mazdayasna pasubya staoraêibya vayaêibya pataretaêibya ýô parenînô fravazåñte. (Ⅱ)
10. 120  
'To Mithra all the faithful worshiypers of Mazda must give strength and energy with offered and proffered Haomas, which the Zaotar proffers unto him and gives in sacrifice. Let the faithful man drink of the libations cleanly prepared, which if he does, if he offers them unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, Mithra will be pleased with him and without anger.'
- mithrô vîspê mazdayasnanãm ýãm ashaonãm eredhwâca kerethwâca haomô âvistô aiwi-vistô ýå zaota aiwica vaêdhayåñte fraca ýazåñte nâ ashava ýaozhdâtãm zaothrãm franguharât ýô kerenavât ýim ýazaite mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm xshnûtô atbishtô hyât. (Ⅱ)
10. 121  
Zarathushtra asked him: 'O Ahura Mazda! how shall the faithful man drink the libations cleanly prepared, which if he does and he offers them unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, Mithra will be pleased vvith him and without anger?'
- paiti-dim peresat zarathushtrô, kutha ahura mazda nâ ashava ýaozhdâtãm zaothrãm franguharât ýô kerenavât ýim ýazaite mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm xshnûtô atbishtô hyât. (Ⅱ)
10. 122  
Ahura Mazda answered: 'Let them wash their bodies three days and three nights; let them undergo thirty strokes for the sacrifice and prayer unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. Let them wash their bodies two days and two nights; let them undergo twenty strokes for the sacrifice and prayer unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. Let no man drink of these libations who does not know the staota yesnya: Vispe ratavo. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacriace worth being heard....
- âat mraot ahurô mazdå, thri-ayarem thri-xshaparem tanûm frasnayayañta thrisatem upâzananãm pairi-âkayayañta mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish ýasnâica vahmâica, bi-ayarem bi-xshaparem tanûm frasnayayañta vîsaiti upâzananãm pairi-âkayayañta mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish ýasnâica vahmâica, mâ-cish mê ånghãm zaothranãm franguharât ýâ nôit staotanãm ýesnyanãm âmâtô vîspe ratavô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [31] (Ⅱ)
10. 123  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'To whom Ahura Mazda offered up a sacrifice in the shining Garo-nmana.
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, ýim ýazata ahurô mazdå raoxshnât paiti garô-nmânât. (Ⅱ)
10. 124  
'With his arms lifted up towards Immortality, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, drives forward from the shining Garo-nmana, in a beautiful chariot that drives on, ever-swift, adorned with all sorts of ornaments, and made of gold.
- uzbâzâush paiti amerextîm fravazaite mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish haca raoxshnât garô-nmânât vâshem srîrem vavazânem hâmô-taxmem vîspô-paêsem zaranaênem. (Ⅱ)
10. 125  
'Four stallions draw that chariot, all of the same white colour, living on heavenly food and undying. The hoofs of their fore-feet are shod with gold, the hoofs of their hind-feet are shod with silver; all are yoked to the same pole, and wear the yoke and the cross-beams of the yoke, fastened with hooks of Khshathra vairya to a beautiful....
- ahmya vâshe vazåñte cathwârô aurvañtô spaêtita hama-gaonånghô mainyush-hvaretha anaoshånghô, tê para-safånghô zaranaêna paiti-shmuxta âat hê apara erezataêna, âat tê vîspa frâ-ýuxta hãm ivãmca simãmca simôithrãmca dereta hukereta upairispâtâ aka bastãm xshathrem vairîm. (Ⅱ)
10. 126  
'At his right hand drives Rashnu-Razishta, the most beneficent and most well-shapen. 'At his left hand drives the most upright Chista, the holy one, bearing libations in her hands, clothed with white clothes, and white herself; and the cursing thought of the Law of Mazda.
- dashinem hê aredhe vazaite rashnvô razishtô spênishtô upa-raodhishtô, âat hê hâvôya aredhe vazaite razishtãm cistãm barat-zaothrãm ashaonîm spaêta vastrå vanghaiti spaêta daênayå mâzdayasnôish upamanem. (Ⅱ)
10. 127  
'Close by him drives the strong cursing thought of the wise man, opposing foes in the shape of a boar, a sharp-toothed he-boar, a sharp- jawed boar, that kills at one stroke, pursuing, wrathful, with a dripping face, strong and swift to run, and rushing all around. 'Behind him drives Atar, all in a blaze, and the awful kingly Glory.
- upavazata taxmô dâmôish upamanô hû kehrpa varâzahe paiti-erenô tizhi-dãstrahe arshnô tizhi-asûrahe hakeret-janô varâzahe anu-pôithwahe grañtahe parshvanikahe taxmahe ýûxdhahe pâirivâzahe, nixshata ahmât vazata âtarsh ýô upa-suxtô ukhrem ýô kavaêm hvarenô. (Ⅱ)
10. 128  
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand bows well-made, with a string of cowgut; they go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas.
- hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem thanvareitinãm [asti ýô gavasnahe snâuya jya] hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 129  
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand vulture-feathered arrows, with a golden mouth, with a horn shaft, with a brass tail, and well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas.
- hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem ishunãm kahrkâsô-parnanãm zaranyô- zafrãm srvî-stayãm [asti ýâ anghaêna sparekha] hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 130  
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand spears well-made and sharp-piercing. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand steel-hammers, two-edged, well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas.
- hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem arshtinãm brôithrô-taêzhanãm hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm, hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem cakushanãm haosafnaênãm bitaêkhanãm hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 131  
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand swords, two-edged and well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand maces of iron, well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas.
- hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem karetanãm vayô-dâranãm hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm, hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrem gadhanãm ayanghaênanãm hukeretanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 132  
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stands a beautiful well-falling club, with a hundred knots, a hundred edges, that rushes forward and fells men down; a club cast out of red brass, of strong, golden brass; the strongest of all weapons, the most victorious of all weapons. It goes through the heavenly space, it falls through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daevas.
- hishtaite aom vâshahe mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish vazrem srîrem hunivixtem satafshtânem satôdârem fravaêkhem vîrô-nyåñcim zarôish ayanghô frahixtem amavatô zaranyehe amavastemem zayanãm verethravastemem zayanãm, mainyavaså vazeñti mainyavaså pateñti kameredhe paiti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 133  
After he has smitten the Daevas, after he has smitten down the men who lied unto Mithra, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, drives forward through Arezahe and Savahe, through Fradadhafshu and Vidadhafshu, through Vourubareshti and Vouru-jareshti, through this our Karshvare, the bright Hvaniratha.
- pasca jaiñti daêvanãm pasca nikhniñti mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm fravazaite mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish tarô arezahi savahi tarô fradadhafshu vîdadhafshu tarô vouru-bareshti vouru- jareshti tarô imat karshvare ýat hvanirathem bâmîm. (Ⅱ)
10. 134  
'Angra Mainyu, who is all death, flees away in fear; Aeshma, the evil-doing Peshotanu, flees away in fear; the long-handed Bushyasta flees away in fear; all the Daevas unseen and the Varenya fiends flee away in fear.
- avi bâdha frateresaiti angrô mainyush pouru-mahrkô, avi bâdha frateresaiti aêshmô duzhdå peshô-tanush, avi bâdha frateresaiti bûshyãsta darekhô-gava, avi bâdha frateresaiti vîspe mainyava daêva ýaêca varenya drvañtô. (Ⅱ)
10. 135  
'Oh! may we never fall across the rush of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, when in anger! May Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, never smite us in his anger; he who stands up upon this earth as the strongest of all gods, the most valiant of all gods, the most energetic of all gods, the swiftest of all gods, the most fiend-smiting of all gods, he, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- mâ mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish grañtahe vaêkhâi jasaêma, mâ-nô grañtô aipi-janyå mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish ýô aojishtô ýazatanãm ýô tañcishtô ýazatanãm ýô thwaxshishtô ýazatanãm ýô âsishtô ýazatanãm ýô as verethrajãstemô ýazatanãm fraxshtaite paiti âya zemâ mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [32] (Ⅱ)
10. 136  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'For whom white stallions, yoked to his chariot, draw it, on one golden wheel, with a full shining axle.
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýahmâi aurusha aurvañta ýûxta vâsha thañjasåñte aêva caxra zaranaêna asânasca vîspô-bâma ýezi-shê zaothrå baraiti avi-shê maêthanem. (Ⅱ)
10. 137  
'If Mithra takes his libations to his own dwelling, "Happy that man, I think," -- said Ahura Mazda, "O holy Zarathra! for whom a holy priest, as pious as any in the world, who is the Word incarnate, offers up a sacrifice unto Mithra with bundles of baresma and with the [proper] words. '"Straight to that man, I think, will Mithra come, to visit his dwelling,
- ushta ahmâi naire mainyâi uiti mraot ahurô mazdå âi ashâum zarathushtra ýahmâi zaota ashava anghêush dahmô tanu-mãthrô frasteretât paiti baresmen mithrahe vaca ýazâite râshtem ahmâi naire mainyâi mithrô maêthanem âcaraiti. ýezi-shê ýânâdha bavaiti sanghemcit anu sastrâi sanghemcit anu mainyâi, (Ⅱ)
10. 138  
'"When Mithra's boons will come to him, as he follows God's teaching, and thinks according to God's teaching. '"Woe to that man, I think," - said Ahura Mazda, - "O holy Zarathushtra! for whom an unholy priest, not pious, who is not the Word incarnate, stands behind the baresma, however full may be the bundles of baresma he ties, however long may be the sacrifice he performs."
- sâdrem ahmâi naire mainyâi uiti mraot ahurô mazdå âi ashâum zarathushtra ýahmâi zaota anashava adahmô atanu-mãthrô pasca baresma frahishta perenemca baresma starânô darekhemca ýasnem ýazânô. (Ⅱ)
10. 139  
'He does not delight Ahura Mazda, nor the other Amesha-Spentas, nor Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, he who thus scorns Mazda, and the other Amesha-Spentas, and Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, and the Law, and Rashnu, and Arstat, who makes the world grow, who makes the world increase. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- nôit xshnâvayeiti ahurem mazdãm nôit anye ameshå speñta nôit mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýô mazdãm tarô manyete tarô anye ameshå speñta tarô mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm tarô dâtemca rashnûmca arshtâtemca frâdat-gaêthãm varedat-gaêthãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [33] (Ⅱ)
10. 140  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake. 'I will offer up a sacrifice unto the good Mithra, O Spitama! unto the strong, heavenly god, who is foremost, highly merciful, and peerless; whose house is above, a stout and strong warrior;
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, ýazâi mithrem spitama vanghush taxmem mainyaom akhrîm hvâmarzhdikem amithwem uparô-nmânem aojanghem taxmem rathaêshtãm. (Ⅱ)
10. 141  
'Victorious and armed with a well-fashioned weapon, watchful in darkness and undeceivable. He is the stoutest of the stoutest, he is the strongest of the strongest, he is the most intelligent of the gods, he is victorious and endowed with Glory: he, of the ten thousand eyes, of the ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable god. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- verethravå zaêna hacimnô hutâshta temanghâdha jikhâurum adhaoyamnem, aojishtanãm asti aojishtem tañcishtanãm asti tañcishtem bakhanãm asti ash-xrathwastemô verethravå hvarena hacimnô hazangrâ- gaoshô baêvare-cashmanô ýô baêvare-spasânô sûrô vîspô-vîdhvå adhaoyamnô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [34] (Ⅱ)
10. 142  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Who, with his manifold knowledge, powerfully increases the creation of Spenta Mainyu, and is a well-created and most great Yazata, self-shining like the moon, when he makes his own body shine;
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýô paoirish vaêidhish sûrem frâdhâiti speñtahe mainyêush dâmãn hudhâtô mazishtô ýazatô ýatha tanûm raocayeiti ýatha månghô hvâraoxshnô, (Ⅱ)
10. 143  
'Whose face is flashing with light like the face of the star Tistrya; whose chariot is embraced by that goddess who is foremost amongst those who have no deceit in them, O Spitama! who is fairer than any creature in the world, and full of light to shine. I will worship that chariot, wrought by the Maker, Ahura Mazda, inlaid with stars and made of a heavenly substance; (the chariot) of Mithra, who has ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable god. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- ýenghå ainikô brâzaiti ýatha tishtryô-stârahe ýenghe vâshem hañgrewnâiti adhavish paoirîsh spitama ýatha dâmãn sraêshtâish hû-bâmya xshaêtâi ýazâi hãm-tashtem ýô dadhvå speñtô mainyush stehrpaêsanghem mainyu-tâshtem ýô baêvare-spasânô sûrô vîspô-vîdhvå adhaoyamnô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [35] (Ⅱ)
10. 144  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who is truth-speaking, a chief in assemblies, with a thousand ears, well-shapen, with a thousand eyes, high, with full knowledge, strong, sleepless, and ever awake. 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra around countries; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra within countries; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra in this country; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra above countries; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra under countries; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra before countries; 'We sacrifice unto the Mithra behind countries.
- mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, mithrem aiwi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem añtare-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem â-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem upairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem adhairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem pairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem aipi-dah'yûm ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
10. 145  
'We sacrifice unto Mithra and Ahura, the two great, imperishable, holy gods; and unto the stars, and the moon, and the sun, with the trees that yield up baresma. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of all countries. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. 'Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... 'I bless the sacrifice and p yer, and the strength and vigour of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who has a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes, a Yazata invoked by his own name; and that of Rama Hvastra. 'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... '[Give] unto that man brightness and glory, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones!'
- mithra ahura berezañta aithyejangha ashavana ýazamaide, strêushca månghemca hvareca urvarå paiti baresmanyå mithrem vîspanãm dah'yunãm dainghupaitîm ýazamaide. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide!
(146) (hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât êduñ bât,) ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish râmanô hvâstrahe. ashem vohû.... ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd) ... ashem vohû...!!

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