Ard Yasht (chapter 17)
> Ard Yasht (chapter 17)  :
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(Avestan version)

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17. 50  
âat hîm jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti ýatha azâni peshana ashta aurvañtô vîspa-thaurvô ashtôish puthrô vîspa-thaurvô urvi-xaodhô urvi-verethrô stvî-manaothrish ýenghe hapta sata ushtranãm jainyâvarat pasca hvîdhahe, ýatha azâni peshana mairyehe h'yaonahe arejat-aspahe, ýatha azâni peshana darshinikahe daêvayasnahe.
- He begged of her a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may put to flight Ashta-aurvant, the son of Vispo-thaurvo-asti, the all-afflicting, of the brazen helmet, of the brazen armour, of the thick neck, behind whom seven hundred camels ....; that I may put to flight the Hvyaona murderer, Arejat-aspa; that I may put to flight Darshinika, the worshipper of the Daevas; (Ⅱ)
17. 51  
uta azem nijanâni tãthryâvañtem duzhdaênem uta azem nijanâi spinjaurushem daêvayasnem, uta azem fraourvaêsayeni humaya varedhakanãmca h'yaonya haca dainghâvô, uta azem nijanâni h'yaonînãm dah'yunãm pañcasakhnâi satakhnâishca satakhnâi hazangrakhnâishca hazangrakhnâi baêvarekhnâishca baêvarekhnâi ahãxshtakhnâishca.
- 'And that I may smite Tathravant of the bad law; that I may smite Spinjaurushka, the worshipper of the Daevas; and that I may bring unto the good law the nations of the Varedhakas and of the Hvyaonas; and that I may smite of the Hvyaona nations their fifties and their hundreds, their hundreds and their thousands, their thousands and their tens of thousands, their tens of thousands and their myriads of myriads.' (Ⅱ)
17. 52  
pairi-tacat pairi-jasat ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti, viñdât tem ýânem berezaidhish kava vîshtâspô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [10]
- The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side: the tall Kavi Vishtaspa obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard .... (Ⅱ)
17. 53  
ashîm vanguhîm ýazamaide xshôithnîm berezaitîm huraodhãm huyazatãm hvanat-caxrãm amavaitîm dâtô- saokãm baêshazyãm perethvîrãm sûrãm.
- We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high .... and powerful. (Ⅱ)
17. 54  
âat aoxta ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti, mâ-cish mê ånghãm zaothranãm viñdita ýâ mâvôya nipârayeiñti mâ narô pairishtâ-xshudhrô mâ jahika para-daxshta mâ aperenâyu tauruna mâ kainina anupaêta mashyânãm.
- And the great Ashi Vanguhi said: 'None of those libations will be accepted by me, which are sent to me either by a man whose seed is dried out35, or by the courtezan who produces untimely issues36, or by young boys, or by girls who have known no man37. (Ⅱ)
17. 55  
ýat mãm tura pazdayañta âsu-aspa naotaraca âat azem tanûm aguze adhairi pâdhem gêush arshnô baremâyaonahe âat mãm fraguzayañta ýôi aperenâyu tauruna ýôi kainina anupaêta mashyânãm.
- 'When the Turanians and the swift-horsed Naotaras38, clapping their hands, ran after me39, I hid myself under the foot of a bull walking under his burden; then young boys, and girls who had known no man, discovered me, even while the Turanians and the swift-horsed Naotaras, clapping their hands, were running after me. (Ⅱ)
17. 56  
ýatcit mãm tura pazdayañta âsu-aspa naotaraca atcit azem tanûm aguze adhairi maêshahe garô ýat varshnôish satô-karahe atcit mãm fraguzayañta ýôi aperenâyu tauruna ýôi kainina anupaêta mashyânãm ýatcit mãm tura pazdayañta âsu-aspaêm naotaraca.
- 'Even I hid myself under the throat of a ram of hundredfold energy: then again young boys, and girls who had known no man, discovered me, even while the Turanians and the swift-horsed Naotaras, clapping their hands, were running after me.' (Ⅱ)
17. 57  
paoiryãm gerezãm gerezaêta ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti haca aputhrô-zanyâi jahikayâi, mâ hê avi pâdhem ava-hishta mâ gâtûm nipaidhyanguha, kutha hîsh azem kerenavâni asmanem avi frashusâni zãm avi ni-urvisyâni.
- The first wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi is her wailing about the courtezan who destroys her fruit: 'Stand thou not near her, sit thou not on her bed!' — 'What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?' (Ⅱ)
17. 58  
bityãm gerezãm gerezaêta ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti haca avanghâi jahikayâi ýâ aom puthrem baraiti anyahmâi arshânâi varshtem paithe upa-baraiti, kutha hîsh azem kerenavâni asmanem avi frashusâni zãm avi ni-urvisyâni.
- The second wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi is her wailing about the courtezan who brings forth a child conceived of a stranger and presents it to her husband: 'What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?' (Ⅱ)
17. 59  
thrityãm gerezãm gerezaêta ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti, imat mê stâvishtem shyaothnem mashya vereziñti sâsta ýat kainyô uzvâdhayeiñti darekhem akhrvô nijâmayeiñti, kutha hîsh azem kerenavâni asmanem avi frashusâni zãm avi ni-urvisyâni.
- This is the third wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi: 'This is the worst deed that men and tyrants do, namely, when they deprive maids, that have been barren for a long time, of marrying and bringing forth children. What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?' (Ⅱ)
17. 60  
âat mraot ahurô mazdå, ashi srîre dâmidhâite mâ avi asmanem frashusa mâ avi zãm ni-urvise itha mê tûm hãm-caranguha añtare aredhem nmânahe srîrahe xshathrô-keretahe,
- Ahura Mazda answered: 'O fair and wise Ashi, go not back to the heavens, sink not into the earth! Stay here and walk inside the fine kingly palace.' (Ⅱ)
17. 61  
ana thwâ ýasna ýazâne ana ýasna frâyazâne ýase-thwâ ýazata vîshtâspô pasne âpô dâityayå, berezem barât zaota vâcim hishtemnô pasca baresma, ana thwâ ýasna ýazâne ana ýasna frâyazâne ashi srîre dâmidhâite ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide!
- I shall worship thee with such a sacrifice, I shall worship and forward thee with such a sacrifice as Vishtaspa offered unto thee, behind the river Daitya40. The Zaotar lifted up a loud voice, with baresma before him. With that sort of sacrifice shall I worship thee? With that sort of sacrifice shall I worship and forward thee, O fair and wise Ashi? For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
17. 62  
(hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât êduñ bât,) ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi ashôish vanghuyå cistôish vanghuyå erethê vanghuyå rasãstâtô vanghuyå hvarenanghô savanghô mazdadhâtahe. ashem vohû.... ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd) ... ashem vohû...!!
- Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength and vigour of Ashi Vanguhi; of the good Chisti41; of the good Erethe; of the good Rasastat; of the Glory and Weal, made by Mazda. Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... [Give] unto that man brightness and glory, give him health of body, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones. (Ⅱ)

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