Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#1 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#2 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#3 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#4 Save picture to share on Instagram


Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#5 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#6 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#7 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#8 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#9 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#10 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#11 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#12 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#13 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#14 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#15 Save picture to share on Instagram

Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.

Ibn 'Arabi

#16 Save picture to share on Instagram
