Raag Wadahans
> Raag Wadahans  >
14 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

5. ||1||Pause||  
The Perfect Guru leads me to meet my Beloved; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru. ||1||Pause||
5. ||2||  
My body is over-flowing with corruption; how can I meet my Perfect Beloved? ||2||
5. ||3||  
The virtuous ones obtain my Beloved; I do not have these virtues. How can I meet Him, O my mother? ||3||
5. ||4||1||  
I am so tired of making all these efforts. Please protect Nanak, the meek one, O my Lord. ||4||1||
5. ||1||  
Wadahans, Fourth Mehl: My Lord God is so beautiful. I do not know His worth. Abandoning my Lord God, I have become entangled in duality. ||1||
5. ||1||Pause||  
How can I meet with my Husband? I don't know. She who pleases her Husband Lord is a happy soul-bride. She meets with her Husband Lord - she is so wise. ||1||Pause||
5. ||2||  
I am filled with faults; how can I attain my Husband Lord? You have many loves, but I am not in Your thoughts, O my Husband Lord. ||2||
5. ||3||  
She who enjoys her Husband Lord, is the good soul-bride. I don't have these virtues; what can I, the discarded bride, do? ||3||
5. ||4||  
The soul-bride continually, constantly enjoys her Husband Lord. I have no good fortune; will He ever hold me close in His embrace? ||4||
5. ||5||2||  
You, O Husband Lord, are meritorious, while I am without merit. I am worthless; please forgive Nanak, the meek. ||5||2||
5. ||1||  
Wadahans, Fourth Mehl, Second House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Within my mind there is such a great yearning; how will I attain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan? I go and ask my True Guru; with the Guru's advice, I shall teach my foolish mind. The foolish mind is instructed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and meditates forever on the Lord, Har, Har. O Nanak, one who is blessed with the Mercy of my Beloved, focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Feet. ||1||
5. ||2||  
I dress myself in all sorts of robes for my Husband, so that my True Lord God will be pleased. But my Beloved Husband Lord does not even cast a glance in my direction; how can I be consoled? For His sake, I adorn myself with adornments, but my Husband is imbued with the love of another. O Nanak, blessed, blessed, blessed is that soul-bride, who enjoys her True, Sublime Husband Lord. ||2||
5. ||3||  
I go and ask the fortunate, happy soul-bride, "How did you attain Him - your Husband Lord, my God?" She answers, "My True Husband blessed me with His Mercy; I abandoned the distinction between mine and yours. Dedicate everything, mind, body and soul, to the Lord God; this is the Path to meet Him, O sister." If her God gazes upon her with favor, O Nanak, her light merges into the Light. ||3||
5. ||...||  
I dedicate my mind and body to the one who brings me a message from my Lord God. I wave the fan over him every day, serve him and carry water for him. Constantly and continuously, I serve the Lord's humble servant, who recites to me the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har.

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