Raag Saarang
> Raag Saarang  >
15 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

12. ||1||Pause||  
All wealth and treasures are obtained by remembering Him in meditation; twenty-four hours a day, O my mind, meditate on Him. ||1||Pause||
12. ||1||  
Your Name is Ambrosial Nectar, O my Lord and Master. Whoever drinks it in is satisfied. The sins of countless incarnations are erased, and hereafter, he shall be saved and redeemed in the Court of the Lord. ||1||
12. ||2||5||19||  
I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Creator, O Perfect Supreme Eternal Lord God. Please be kind to me, that I may meditate on Your Lotus Feet. O Nanak, my mind and body thirst for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||2||5||19||
12. ||1||Pause||  
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Third House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: O my mind, why are you lured away by otherness? Here and hereafter, God is forever your Help and Support. He is your soul-mate; He will help you succeed. ||1||Pause||
12. ||1||  
The Name of your Beloved Lover, the Fascinating Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar. Drinking it in, you shall find satisfaction. The Being of Immortal Manifestation is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Meditate on Him in that most sublime place. ||1||
12. ||2||1||20||  
The Bani, the Word of the Supreme Lord God, is the greatest Mantra of all. It eradicates pride from the mind. Searching, Nanak found the home of peace and bliss in the Name of the Lord. ||2||1||20||
12. ||1||Pause||  
Saarang, Fifth Mehl: O my mind, sing forever the Songs of Joy of the Lord of the Universe. All your disease, sorrow and sin will be erased, if you meditate on the Lord's Name, even for an instant. ||1||Pause||
12. ||1||  
Abandon all your clever tricks; go and enter the Sanctuary of the Holy. When the Lord, the Destroyer of the pains of the poor becomes merciful, the Messenger of Death is changed into the Righteous Judge of Dharma. ||1||
12. ||2||2||21||  
Without the One Lord, there is no other at all. No one else can equal Him. The Lord is Nanak's Mother, Father and Sibling, the Giver of Peace, his Breath of Life. ||2||2||21||
12. ||1||Pause||  
Saarang, Fifth Mehl: The Lord's humble servant saves those who accompany him. Their minds are sanctified and rendered pure, and they are rid of the pains of countless incarnations. ||1||Pause||
12. ||1||  
Those who walk on the path find peace; they are saved, along with those who speak with them. Even those who are drowning in the horrible, deep dark pit are carried across in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||
12. ||2||3||22||  
Those who have such high destiny turn their faces toward the Saadh Sangat. Nanak longs for the dust of their feet; O God, please shower Your Mercy on me! ||2||3||22||
12. ||1||Pause||  
Saarang, Fifth Mehl: The humble servant of the Lord meditates on the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam. One who enjoys peace in the Company of the Holy, even for an instant, obtains millions of heavenly paradises. ||1||Pause||
12. ||1||  
This human body, so difficult to obtain, is sanctified by meditating on the Lord. It takes away the fear of death. Even the sins of terrible sinners are washed away, by cherishing the Lord's Name within the heart. ||1||
12. ||2||4||23||  
Whoever listens to the Immaculate Praises of the Lord - his pains of birth and death are dispelled. Says Nanak, the Lord is found by great good fortune, and then the mind and body blossom forth. ||2||4||23||

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