Raag Prabhaatee
> Raag Prabhaatee  >
17 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

7. ||1||Pause||  
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O Siblings of Destiny. By Guru's Grace, the mind becomes steady and stable; night and day, it remains satisfied with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
7. ||2||  
Night and day, perform devotional worship service to the Lord, day and night; this is the profit to be obtained in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Siblings of Destiny. The humble beings are forever immaculate; no filth ever sticks to them. They focus their consciousness on the True Name. ||2||
7. ||3||  
The True Guru has revealed the ornamentation of peace; the Glorious Greatness of the Naam is Great! The Inexhaustible Treasures are overflowing; they are never exhausted. So serve the Lord forever, O Siblings of Destiny. ||3||
7. ||4||1||  
The Creator comes to abide in the minds of those whom He Himself has blessed. O Nanak, meditate forever on the Naam, which the True Guru has revealed. ||4||1||
7. ||1||  
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl: I am unworthy; please forgive me and bless me, O my Lord and Master, and unite me with Yourself. You are Endless; no one can find Your limits. Through the Word of Your Shabad, You bestow understanding. ||1||
7. ||1||Pause||  
O Dear Lord, I am a sacrifice to You. I dedicate my mind and body and place them in offering before You; I shall remain in Your Sanctuary forever. ||1||Pause||
7. ||2||  
Please keep me forever under Your Will, O my Lord and Master; please bless me with the Glorious Greatness of Your Name. Through the Perfect Guru, God's Will is revealed; night and day, remain absorbed in peace and poise. ||2||
7. ||3||  
Those devotees who accept Your Will are pleasing to You, Lord; You Yourself forgive them, and unite them with Yourself. Accepting Your Will, I have found everlasting peace; the Guru has extinguished the fire of desire. ||3||
7. ||4||2||  
Whatever You do comes to pass, O Creator; nothing else can be done. O Nanak, nothing is as great as the Blessing of the Name; it is obtained through the Perfect Guru. ||4||2||
7. ||1||  
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl: The Gurmukhs praise the Lord; praising the Lord, they know Him. Doubt and duality are gone from within; they realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||
7. ||1||Pause||  
O Dear Lord, You are my One and Only. I meditate on You and praise You; salvation and wisdom come from You. ||1||Pause||
7. ||2||  
The Gurmukhs praise You; they receive the most excellent and sweet Ambrosial Nectar. This Nectar is forever sweet; it never loses its taste. Contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||
7. ||3||  
He makes it seem so sweet to me; I am a sacrifice to Him. Through the Shabad, I praise the Giver of peace forever. I have eradicated self-conceit from within. ||3||
7. ||4||3||  
My True Guru is forever the Giver. I receive whatever fruits and rewards I desire. O Nanak, through the Naam, glorious greatness is obtained; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the True One is found. ||4||3||
7. ||1||  
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl: Those who enter Your Sanctuary, Dear Lord, are saved by Your Protective Power. I cannot even conceive of any other as Great as You. There never was, and there never shall be. ||1||
7. ||1||Pause||  
O Dear Lord, I shall remain in Your Sanctuary forever. As it pleases You, You save me, O my Lord and Master; this is Your Glorious Greatness. ||1||Pause||
7. ||...||  
O Dear Lord, You cherish and sustain those who seek Your Sanctuary.

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