Siree Raag
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7 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

68. ||3||  
They drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, and become eternally stable. They know that the water of corruption is insipid and tasteless. When my God, the Lord of the Universe became merciful, I came to look upon the Saadh Sangat as the treasure. All pleasures and supreme ecstasy, O my Beloved, come to those who sew the Jewel of the Lord into their minds. They do not forget, even for an instant, the Support of the breath of life. They live by constantly meditating on Him, O Nanak. ||3||
68. ||1||  
DAKHANAA: O Lord, You meet and merge with those whom you have made Your Own. You Yourself are entranced, O Nanak, hearing Your Own Praises. ||1||
68. ||4||  
Chhant: Administering the intoxicating drug of love, I have won over the Lord of the Universe; I have fascinated His Mind. By the Grace of the Saints, I am held in the loving embrace of the Unfathomable Lord, and I am entranced. Held in the Lord's loving embrace, I look beautiful, and all my pains have been dispelled. By the loving worship of His devotees, the Lord has come under their power. All pleasures have come to dwell in the mind; the Lord of the Universe is pleased and appeased. Birth and death have been totally eliminated. O my companions, sing the Songs of Joy. My desires have been fulfilled, and I shall never again be trapped or shaken by Maya. Taking hold of my hand, O Nanak, my Beloved God will not let me be swallowed up by the world-ocean. ||4||
68. ||1||  
DAKHANAA: The Master's Name is Priceless; no one knows its value. Those who have good destiny recorded upon their foreheads, O Nanak, enjoy the Love of the Lord. ||1||
68. ||5||1||3||  
Chhant: Those who chant are sanctified. All those who listen are blessed, and those who write save their ancestors. Those who join the Saadh Sangat are imbued with the Lord's Love; they reflect and meditate on God. Contemplating God, their lives are reformed and redeemed; God has showered His Perfect Mercy upon them. Taking them by the hand, the Lord has blessed them with His Praises. They no longer have to wander in reincarnation, and they never have to die. Through the Kind and Compassionate True Guru, I have met the Lord; I have conquered sexual desire, anger and greed. Our Indescribable Lord and Master cannot be described. Nanak is devoted, forever a sacrifice to Him. ||5||1||3||
68. ||1||  
Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl, Vanajaaraa ~ The Merchant: One Universal CREATOR GOD. TRUTH IS THE NAME. BY GURU'S GRACE: One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. By Guru's Grace: The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Excellent and Sublime. He created everyone. The Lord cherishes all beings. He permeates each and every heart. Meditate forever on that Lord. Without Him, there is no other at all. Those who focus their consciousness on emotional attachment to Maya must leave; they depart crying out in despair. Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, his only Companion in the end. ||1||
68. ||1||Pause||   
I have none other than You, O Lord. In the Guru's Sanctuary, the Lord is found, O my merchant friend; by great good fortune, He is obtained. ||1||Pause||

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