Raag Goojaree
> Raag Goojaree  >
10 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

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One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: Raag Goojaree, First Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House: I would make Your Name the sandalwood, and my mind the stone to rub it on; for saffron, I would offer good deeds; thus, I perform worship and adoration within my heart. ||1||
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Perform worship and adoration by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Name, there is no worship and adoration. ||1||Pause||
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If one were to wash his heart inwardly, like the stone idol which is washed on the outside, his filth would be removed, his soul would be cleansed, and he would be liberated when he departs. ||2||
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Even beasts have value, as they eat grass and give milk. Without the Naam, the mortal's life is cursed, as are the actions he performs. ||3||
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The Lord is hear at hand - do not think that He is far away. He always cherishes us, and remembers us. Whatever He gives us, we eat; says Nanak, He is the True Lord. ||4||1||
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Goojaree, First Mehl: From the lotus of Vishnu's navel, Brahma was born; He chanted the Vedas with a melodious voice. He could not find the Lord's limits, and he remained in the darkness of coming and going. ||1||
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Why should I forget my Beloved? He is the support of my very breath of life. The perfect beings perform devotional worship to Him. The silent sages serve Him through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||
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His lamps are the sun and the moon; the One Light of the Destroyer of ego fills the three worlds. One who becomes Gurmukh remains immaculately pure, day and night, while the self-willed manmukh is enveloped by the darkness of night. ||2||
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The Siddhas in Samaadhi are continually in conflict; what can they see with their two eyes? One who has the Divine Light within his heart, and is awakened to the melody of the Word of the Shabad - the True Guru settles his conflicts. ||3||
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O Lord of angels and men, infinite and unborn, Your True Mansion is incomparable. Nanak merges imperceptibly into the Life of the world; shower Your mercy upon him, and save him. ||4||2||

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