Raag Goojaree
> Raag Goojaree  >
9 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

28. ||1||  
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. ||1||
28. ||2||  
Third Mehl: Without serving the True Guru, peace is not obtained, and the sense of duality does not depart. No matter how much one may wish, without the Lord's Grace, He is not found. Those who are filled with greed and corruption are ruined by the love of duality. They cannot escape birth and death, and with egotism within them, they suffer in misery. Those who center their consciousness on the True Guru, never go empty-handed. They are not summoned by the Messenger of Death, and they do not suffer in pain. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved; they merge in the True Lord. ||2||
28. ||18||  
Pauree: He alone is called a minstrel, who enshrines love for his Lord and Master. Standing at the Lord's Door, he serves the Lord, and reflects upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad. The minstrel attains the Lord's Gate and Mansion, and he keeps the True Lord clasped to his heart. The status of the minstrel is exalted; he loves the Name of the Lord. The service of the minstrel is to meditate on the Lord; he is emancipated by the Lord. ||18||
28. ||1||  
Shalok, Third Mehl: The milkmaid's status is very low, but she attains her Husband Lord when she reflects upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and chants the Lord's Name, night and day. She who meets the True Guru, lives in the Fear of God; she is a woman of noble birth. She alone realizes the Hukam of her Husband Lord's Command, who is blessed by the Creator Lord's Mercy. She who is of little merit and ill-mannered, is discarded and forsaken by her Husband Lord. By the Fear of God, filth is washed off, and the body becomes immaculately pure. The soul is enlightened, and the intellect is exalted, meditating on the Lord, the ocean of excellence. One who dwells in the Fear of God, lives in the Fear of God, and acts in the Fear of God. He obtains peace and glorious greatness here, in the Lord's Court, and at the Gate of Salvation. Through the Fear of God, the Fearless Lord is obtained, and one's light merges in the Infinite Light. O Nanak, that bride alone is good, who is pleasing to her Lord and Master, and whom the Creator Lord Himself forgives. ||1||
28. ||2||  
Third Mehl: Praise the Lord, forever and ever, and make yourself a sacrifice to the True Lord. O Nanak, let that tongue be burnt, which renounces the One Lord, and attaches itself to another. ||2||
28. ||19||  
Pauree: From a single particle of His greatness, He created His incarnations, but they indulged in the love of duality. They ruled like kings, and fought for pleasure and pain. Those who serve Shiva and Brahma do not find the limits of the Lord. The Fearless, Formless Lord is unseen and invisible; He is revealed only to the Gurmukh. There, one does not suffer sorrow or separation; he becomes stable and immortal in the world. ||19||
28. ||1||  
Shalok, Third Mehl: All these things come and go, all these things of the world. One who knows this written account is acceptable and approved. O Nanak, anyone who takes pride in himself is foolish and unwise. ||1||
28. ||2||  
Third Mehl: The mind is the elephant, the Guru is the elephant-driver, and knowledge is the whip. Wherever the Guru drives the mind, it goes. O Nanak, without the whip, the elephant wanders into the wilderness, again and again. ||2||
28. ||...||  
Pauree: I offer my prayer to the One, from whom I was created.

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