Vohukhshathra Gatha (chapter (51-52)
> Vohukhshathra Gatha (chapter (51-52)  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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52. 0  
52. 1  
I pray with benedictions for a benefit, and for the good, even for the entire creation of the holy (and the clean); I beseech for them for the (generation which is) now alive, for that which is just coming into life, and for that which shall be hereafter. And (I pray for that) sanctity which leads to prosperity, and which has long afforded shelter, which goes on hand in hand with it, which joins it in its walk, and of itself becoming its close companion as it delivers forth its precepts,
- ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ (2). (zôt,) vanghuca vanghåsca âfrînâmi vîspayå ashaonô stôish haithyâica bavãithyâica bûshyãithyâica ashîm râsaiñtîm darekhô-vârethmanem mishâcim hvô-aiwishâcim mishâcim âfrasånghaitîm (Ⅱ)
52. 2  
bearing every form of healing virtue which comes to us in waters, appertains to cattle, or is found in plants, and overwhelming, all the harmful malice of the Daevas, (and their servants) who might harm this dwelling and its lord,
- bareñtîm vîspå baêshazå apãmca gavãmca urvaranãmca taurvayeiñtîm vîspå tbaêshå daêvanãm mashyânãmca areshyañtãm ahmâica nmânâi ahmâica nmânahe nmânô-patêe. (Ⅱ)
52. 3  
bringing good gifts, and better blessings, given very early, and later (gifts), leading to successes, and for a long time giving shelter. And so the greatest, and the best, and most beautiful benefits of sanctity fall likewise to our lot
- vanguhîshca adhå vanguhîshca ashayô hupaurvå vahehîsh aparå râsaiñtîsh darekhô-vârethmanô ýatha-nô mazishtåsca vahishtåsca sraêshtåsca ashayô erenavañte. (Ⅱ)
52. 4  
for the sacrifice, homage, propitiation, and the praise of the Bountiful Immortals, for the bringing prosperity to this abode, and for the prosperity of the entire creation of the holy, and the clean, (and as for this, so) for the opposition of the entire evil creation. (And I pray for this) as I praise through Righteousness, I who am beneficent, those who are (likewise of a better mind).
- ameshanãm speñtanãm ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca fradathâi ahe nmânahe fradathâi vîspayå ashaonô stôish hamistêe vîspayå drvatô stôish, stavas ashâ ýê hudå ýôi heñtî! (Ⅱ)
52. 5  
May'st Thou, O Ahura Mazda! reign at Thy will, and with a saving rule over Thine own creatures, and render Ye the holy (man) also a sovereign at his will over waters, and over plants, and over all the clean and sacred (creatures) which contain the seed of Righteousness. Strip ye the wicked of all power!(Y8.5)
- vasasca-tû ahura-mazda ushtâca xshaêsha havanãm dâmanãm vasô âpô vasô urvarå vasô vîspa vohu ashacithra xshayamnem ashavanem dâyata axshayamnem drvañtem. (Ⅱ)
52. 6  
Absolute in power may the holy be, bereft of all free choice the wicked ! Gone (may he be), met as foe, carried out from the creatures of Spenta Mainyu, hemmed in without power over any wish! (Y8.6)
- vasô-xshathrô hyât ashava avasô-xshathrô hyât drvå gatô hamistô nizhberetô haca speñtahe mainyêush dâmabyô varatô avasô-xshathrô. (Ⅱ)
52. 7  
I will incite, even I who am Zarathushtra, the heads of the houses, villages, Zantus, and provinces, to the careful following of this Religion which is that of Ahura, and according to Zarathushtra, in their thoughts, their words, and their deeds. (Y8.7)
- haxshaya azemcit ýô zarathushtrô fratemã nmânanãmca vîsãmca zañtunãmca dah'yunãmca ainghå daênayå anumatayaêca anuxtayaêca anvarshtayaêca ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish. (Ⅱ)
52. 8  
I pray for the freedom and glory of the entire existence of the holy (man) while I bless it, and I pray for the repression and shame of the entire existence of the wicked. (Y8.8)
- (zôt u râspî,) ravasca hvâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå ashaonô stôish, ãzasca duzhâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå drvatô stôish!!! (Ⅱ)

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