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The wisdom of The Avesta

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T he wise Lord gives to his beloved mankind — to my people, O Lord — the gift of joy which comes from truth and strength. All men will unite in defence of your teaching and in defence of those who are mindful of your hymns.

Zoroastrianism quote 7721  |   The Avesta
Yasna 43:14 

L et all those who do good deeds come together to foster Mother Earth. God and Truth speak the language of revelation that comes from the highest mind — from the beginning have you been the teacher.

Zoroastrianism quote 7720  |   The Avesta
Yasna 51:3 

T o them, the Pure Mind, who is united in God, through his power replied: associate closely with Truth. Be good and unite with Right-Mindedness. Hold fast unto them.

Zoroastrianism quote 7719  |   The Avesta
Yasna 32:2 

U nfold Yourself within me, O Lord. Grant me strength of character through Right-Mindedness. Through the holiest spirit, O Lord, grant me goodness as a reward for prayer. Grant me a life full of vigour through Truth, and may the pure Mind look after me.

Zoroastrianism quote 7718  |   The Avesta
Yasna 33:12 

T herefore, O Zarathushtra! . . .
Make thy own self pure, O righteous man! any one in the world here below can win purity for his own self, namely, when he cleanses his own self with good thoughts, words, and deeds.

Zoroastrianism quote 7717  |   The Avesta
Vendidad, Fargard 10 (chap. 10), sec.18-19 

T hen Zarathushtra said: ‘Reveal unto me that name of thine, O Ahura Mazda! that is the greatest, the best, the fairest, the most effective, the most fiend-smiting, the best-healing, that destroyeth best the malice of Daevas and Men . . .
’ Ahura Mazda replied unto him: ‘My name is the One of whom questions are asked, O holy Zarathushtra! . . .
My fourth name is Perfect Holiness. . . .
My seventh name is the One with understanding. . . .
My eleventh name is He who produces weal. My twelfth name is AHURA (the Lord). My thirteenth name is the most Beneficent. My fourteenth name is He in whom there is no harm. . . .
My seventeenth name is the All-seeing One. My eighteenth name is the healing One. My nineteenth name is the Creator. My twentieth name is MAZDA (the All-knowing One). . . .
I am the Keeper; I am the Creator and the Maintainer; I am the Discerner; I am the most beneficent Spirit. . . . ’

Zoroastrianism quote 7716  |   The Avesta
Khorda Avesta, Chapter title: Ohrmazd Yasht (Hymns to Ahura Mazda) 

W hoso, out of his respect for Spitama Zarathushtra, rejoices in whole humankind, (that man) is worthy of high esteem. May Ahura Mazda grant him long life. May Conscience develop his realms. Rectitude regards him as a good friend. ()

Zoroastrianism quote 7713  |   The Avesta
The Hymns of Atharvan Zarathushtra, Yasna, 46:13 

D edication to purity from birth onwards is best for mankind. For Mother Earth should we toil, leading all men to the realms of light.

Zoroastrianism quote 7712  |   The Avesta
Yasna 48:5 

W e worship the souls of the holy men and women, born at any time, whose consciences struggle, or will struggle, or have struggled, for the good.

Zoroastrianism quote 7711  |   The Avesta
Khorda Avesta, Chap. XIII ( Frawardin Yasht (Hymns to the Angels) ), sec. 154 

G od bears in mind all prayers made to Him, past, present, and future; those made by ordinary people as well as the believers in many Gods.

Zoroastrianism quote 7710  |   The Avesta
Yasna 29:4 

I n the name of God. I praise and invoke the creator Ormazd (Ahura Mazda), the radiant, glorious, omniscient, maker, Lord of lords, King over all kings, watchful, Creator of the universe, giver of daily bread, powerful, strong, eternal, forgiver, merciful, loving, mighty, wise, holy, and nourisher.

Zoroastrianism quote 7709  |   The Avesta
Khorda Avesta (Book of Common Prayer), Chapter title: Niyayeshes (Litanies), Section title: Khwarshed Niyayesh (Litany to the Sun) 

*Editor’s note: Another section (Title: Stayishn) of this prayer book says, ‘Praise be to the name of Him Who always was, always is and always will be.’

A righteous government is of all the most to be wished for, Bearing of blessing and good fortune in the highest. Guided by the law of Truth, supported by dedication and zeal, It blossoms into the Best of Order, a Kingdom of Heaven! To effect this I shall work now and ever more.

Zoroastrianism quote 7526  |   The Avesta
Vohu-Khshathra Gatha; Yasna 51, 1 

L et those who know how to rule well, and not the evil rulers, rule us! Let them rule us with wisdom - rule us with skill O Piety!

Zoroastrianism quote 7525  |   The Avesta
Spenta Mainyu Gatha; Yasna 48, 5 

H earken with your ears to these best counsels, Reflect upon them with illumined judgment. Let each one choose his creed with that freedom of choice each must have at great events.

Zoroastrianism quote 7524  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 30, 2 

T he resolute one who moved by the principles of Thy Faith Extends the prosperity of order to his neighbors And works the land the evil now hold desolate, Earns through Righteousness, the Blessed Recompense Thy Good Mind has promised in Thy Kingdom of Heaven.

Zoroastrianism quote 7523  |   The Avesta
Spenta Mainyu Gatha; Yasna 50, 3 

O Wise Lord, by virtue of the Good Mind, may I reach Thy Presence. Grant me the blessings in both worlds, the corporeal and the spiritual, attainable through Righteousness; Thy rewards which bring beatific happiness to the faithful blessed with them.

Zoroastrianism quote 7522  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha Yasna 28, 2 

W hen the Good Mind came to me with enlightenment, When first I received and became wise with Thy words, And though the task be difficult, and hardship may come my way, I shall proclaim Thy message, which Thou declarest to be the best.

Zoroastrianism quote 7521  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha; Yasna 43, 11 

H e who abhors and shuns the light of the Sun, He who refuses to behold with respect the living creation of God, He who leads the good to wickedness, He who makes the meadows waterless and the pastures desolate, He who lets fly his weapon against the innocent, An enemy of my faith, a destroyer of Thy principles is he, O Lord!

Zoroastrianism quote 7520  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 32, 10 

H e who upholds Truth with all the might of his power, He who upholds Truth the utmost in his word and deed, He, indeed, is Thy most valued helper, O Mazda Ahura!

Zoroastrianism quote 7519  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 31, 22 

B y Thy perfect Intelligence, O Mazda Thou didst first create us having bodies and spiritual consciences, And by Thy Thought gave ourselves the power of thought, word, and deed. Thus leaving us free to choose our faith at our own will.

Zoroastrianism quote 7518  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 31, 11 

S o may we be like those making the world progress toward perfection; May Mazda and the Divine Spirits help us and guide our efforts through Truth; For a thinking man is where Wisdom is at home.

Zoroastrianism quote 7517  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 30, 9 

T his, indeed is the case, O ye men and women! No happiness can be yours if the spirit of Falsehood directs your lives. Cast off from your selves the bonds that chain you to Untruth. Satisfaction linked with dishonor or with harm to others is a prison for the seeker; The faithless-evil bring sorrow to others and destroy their own spiritual lives hereafter.

Zoroastrianism quote 7516  |   The Avesta
Vahishto-Ishti Gatha Yasna 53, 6 

( Zarathushtra:) These words do I address to you maidens who are being married, These counsels do I give to you, bridegrooms, Heed them in your minds and lay them to heart. Let each cherish the other with Righteousness. Then surely the reward of a happy life shall be yours.

Zoroastrianism quote 7515  |   The Avesta
Vahishto-Ishti Gatha Yasna 53, 5 

O Ahura Mazda, and O Spirit of Truth and Right! Do Ye grant me and my followers such authority and power through Truth, That with the Good Mind, we may bring the world peace and happiness, Of which, Thou, O Lord, art indeed the first possessor.

Zoroastrianism quote 7514  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 29, 10 

T hus to the Lord doth Asha, the Truth, reply: ‘No guide is known who can shelter the world from woe, None who knows what moves and works Thy lofty plans’.

Zoroastrianism quote 7513  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 29, 3 

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