The Dao De Jing (Tao Te King)

Available versions and sources
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Available versions and sources

There are many translations of the Daodejing. Those presented here are a selection of great translation either on public domain, out of print or accessible for comparison only (on the last two cases, they can be delete on request). All chapter's title are taken from Heshangong's commentary (English translation by Eduard Erkes - 1949).

Chinese Version (Wangbi, Heshanggong, Mawangdui A&B, Guodian A,B,C) :
There are many version of the Dao de jing. The oldest, those who inspired most of the translation are those of Wangbi (226 – 249), He Shanggong (between the 1st et the 6th century) as well as the recent discover in Mawangui and Guodian.
- Digitalised by Chinese Text Project

Version and commentary of He Shanggong in English (default version) :
English translation by Eduard Erkes (1949)
- Digitalised by Onelittleangel

Version and commentary of He Shanggong in Chinese :
- Digitalised by Chinese Text Project

Wing-Tsit Chan Version :
- Digitalised by Terebess Asia Online (T.A.O)

Ellen Marie Chen Version (for comparison only) :
- Digitalised by Terebess Asia Online (T.A.O)

Ch'u Ta-Kao Version :
- Digitalised by Terebess Asia Online (T.A.O)

World by world version :
World by world translation from modern and free dictionaries C-CEDICT (english) et Chinese-French (French). For translating old chinese we recommand the Ricci (french) and the Student Dictionary Classical (English). Both are available on Pleco Apps.
- Digitalised by onelittleangel

Yi Wu Version (for comparison only) :
- Digitalised by Terebess Asia Online (T.A.O)

Richard John Lynn Version (for comparison only) :
- Digitalised by Terebess Asia Online (T.A.O)
