World  Philosophical  Heritage

Judaism 360

360 selected exerpts   | Page 1 / 15
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I have selected these quotes from the Torah, Talmud and commentaries as well as esteemed Rabbis past (z'l) and current and other Jewish thinkers.

The Torah is the written law containing the 613 Mitzvot (commandments). The Talmud contains the codification of the oral law given with the Torah and its further commentaries. Great Rabbis and thinkers from the past millennium also feature. Time does not appear to diminish wisdom so I hope you find them relevant today as they where when recorded.

They cover a variety of subjects and may you find something in them that speaks to you.

Peace and happiness
Ariel Heber
Community Liaison Manager and President of Queensland Jewish Community Services Inc., Australia

I f a people cannot help itself, it cannot be helped at all.

Judaism quote 6381 | 

W hat is hateful to thee, never do to thy fellow man: that is the entire Torah; all the rest is commentary.

Judaism quote 6382 |  Hillel, Shabbat 31a  

T he best charity is good will.

Judaism quote 6383 |  Ketubot  

Y ou shall not desire your neighbour ’s house, his field, or his manservant or his maidservant, his ox or his ass, or anything that is your neighbour’s.

Judaism quote 6384 |  Deuteronomy (Devarim) 5:18  

Y ou don’t put the cat in charge of the cream.

Judaism quote 6386 |  Yiddish Proverb  

A nxiety kills even the most heroic of heroes.

Judaism quote 6387 |  Sanhedrin  

B etter to get from God by the spoonful than from Man by the bushel.

Judaism quote 6388 |  Yiddish Proverb  

I f you do not pity your friend, nobody will pity you.

Judaism quote 6389 | 

T his nation is like the dust and like the stars: when it sinks, it sinks to the dust, and when it rises, it rises to the stars!

Judaism quote 6391 |  Megillah  

I f you are jealous of your friend, he flourishes and you fall.

Judaism quote 6393 | 

Y ou don’t have to pray loudly; just direct your heart to heaven.

Judaism quote 6394 | 

O nce a man is appointed leader of a community, he must be deemed mightiest of the mighty.

Judaism quote 6395 |  Rosh Hashanah  

H onour your physician according to your need of him! For verily the Lord has created him; and from the Lord comes his wisdom.

Judaism quote 6396 |  38:1  

O ne must behave before men as one must before God.

Judaism quote 6397 | 

T he righteous are greater in death than in life.

Judaism quote 6398 |  Hullin  

I t is not your duty to complete the work, but neither are you excused from it.

Judaism quote 6399 |  Pirke Avot  

N one of your honey, none of your sting!

Judaism quote 6400 |  Numbers (Bamidbar) R.  

W hatever your host tells you, do.

Judaism quote 6401 |  Pesachim  

I t is hard to raise sons; and much harder to raise daughters.

Judaism quote 6403 | 

O nly the one who eats the dish knows how it tastes.

Judaism quote 6404 |  Midrash Deuteronomy R.  

W ho vexes himself more than is customary about the way of the world is a fool.

Judaism quote 6405 | 

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