World  Sacred  Scriptures

The wisdom of The Avadhuta Gita

35 quote(s)  | Page 2 / 2

I 'm One; I'm all of this!
Yet I'm undifferentiated, beyond all forms.
How, then, do I regard the Self?
As both the Unmanifest and the manifest world.

quote 3712  | 
#10, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

T he mind is formless like the sky,
Yet it wears a million faces.
It appears as images of the past, or as worldly forms;
But it is not the supreme Self.

quote 3711  | 
#9, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

T hat one God who shines within everything,
Who is formless like the cloudless sky,
Is the pure, stainless, Self of all,
Without any doubt, that is who I am.

I'm the infinite and immutable One;
I'm pure Consciousness, without any form.
I don't know how, or to whom,
Joy and sorrow appear in this world.

I have no mental karma, either good or bad;
I have no physical karma, either good or bad;
I have no verbal karma, either good or bad.
I'm beyond the senses;
I'm the pure nectar of the knowledge of the Self.

quote 3710  | 
#6 to 8, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

W hat, then, is the heart of the highest truth,
The core of knowledge, the wisdom supreme?
It is, "I am the Self, the formless One;
By my very nature, I am pervading all."

quote 3709  | 
#5, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

T ruly, all this universe is only my Self;
It is neither divided nor undivided.
How can I even assert that it exists?
I can only view it with wonder and awe.

quote 3708  | 
#4, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

T he five subtle elements that combine to compose this world
Are as illusory as the water in a desert mirage;
To whom, then, shall I bow my head?
I, myself, am the stainless One!

quote 3707  | 
#3, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

A ll that exists in this world of forms
Is nothing but the Self, and the Self alone.

quote 3706  | 
#2, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

T ruly, it is by the grace of God
That the knowledge of Unity arises within.

quote 3705  | 
#1, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 

I am neither created nor uncreated, for I have always been here.
I am neither deluded nor undeluded, for I have always been here.
I am neither of light nor of darkness, for I have always been here.
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

How can I speak of having desires or not having desires?
How can I speak about attachment or non-attachment?
How can I speak about God as being real or unreal?
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

That One is everything-
How can I say it is one?
How can I say it is more than one?
How can I say it is eternal or non eternal?
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

It is neither solid nor subtle.
Neither appearing nor disappearing.
It is without beginning, middle, or end.
It is neither above nor below.
This is the secret of the Ultimate Truth.
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

All your senses are like clouds;
All they show is an endless mirage.
The Radiant One is neither bound nor free.
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

Dear one, I am not unknowable nor hidden.
I am not imperceivable nor lost.
I am not near nor far.
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth,
I am the Boundless Sky.


I have no actions that bring regret or misery.
I have no thoughts that bring pain or suffering.
I have no sense of "me" or "mine."
I am the Bliss, I am the Truth, I am the Boundless Sky.

Avadhuta Gita

quote 3015  | 
Jonathan Star, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 

A ll your senses are like clouds; All they show is an endless mirage.

quote 3014  | 
Jonathan Star, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 

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On other page(s):  History and calligraphy of The Avadhuta Gita

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