Inter-  Faiths  Dialogue

Illusion ? > Emptiness

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I will never ask God to give Himself to me. All I ask is that He makes me pure and empty. For it is God's very nature to give Himself to those who are pure, and to fill those who are empty.

church quote 3081  | 
Pfeiffer, Frantz, and Evans, C de B., trans. Meister Eckhart. London: John M. Watkins, 1924, 193 1, Vol. 1: 118, 157, 221-222, 287, 338, 348, 363, 429, and Vol. 2: 41, 114. 


A master says whoever speaks of God in any likeness, speaks impurely of him. But to speak of God with nothing is to speak of him correctly. When the soul is unified and there enters into total self-abnegation, then she finds God as in Nothing. It appeared to a man as in a dream – it was a waking dream - that he became pregnant with. Nothing like a woman with child, and in that Nothing God was born; he was the fruit of nothing. God was born in the Nothing….

church quote 2823  | 
Meister Eckhart, SERMON NINETEEN, from Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises, vol. 3, translated and edited by M. O'C. Walshe (Rockport, Mass.: Element Books, 1979). 


T his is only another way of saying that the phenomena of all things is of one 'suchness' with Buddhahood and Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, and that it is neither reality nor unreality but abides together with all phenomena in emptiness and silence, inconceivable and inscrutable.

temple_buddhist quote 2525  |   The Maha Prajna Paramita
Diamond Sutra, 17, in Dwight Goddard, A Buddhist bible 


T hus, 0 Sariputra, all things having the nature of emptiness have no beginning and no ending. They are neither faultless nor not faultless; they are neither perfect nor imperfect. In emptiness there is no form, no sensation, no perception, no discrimination, no consciousness. There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no sensitiveness to contact, no mind. There is no sight, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no mental process, no object, no knowledge, no ignorance. There is no destruction of objects, there is no cessation of knowledge, no cessation of ignorance. There is no Noble Four-fold Truths: no pain, no cause of pain, no cessation of pain, no Noble Path leading to the cessation of pain. There is no decay and no death, and no destruction of the notion of decay and death. There is no knowledge of Nirvana, there is no obtaining of Nirvana, there is no not obtaining of Nirvana.

temple_buddhist quote 2513  |   The Maha Prajna Paramita
Hridaya, in Dwight Goddard, A Buddhist bible, p. 86 


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