World  Philosophical  Heritage

Wisdom and teachings of

844 quote(s)  | Page 9 / 34

L essen your burden of debt and you will live free.

quote 5942  | 

B lessed are those who earn an honest living; whose hearts are pure, whose actions are noble, and from whom no one need fear any evil.

quote 5941  | 

B lessed are those who act on their knowledge.

quote 5940  | 

S ecure knowledge by writing it down.

quote 5939  | 

T ravel and find health and wealth.

quote 5938  | 

B e a good neighbour to those around you and you will be a true Muslim.

quote 5937  | 

W ish for others what you wish for yourself and you will be a true believer.

quote 5936  | 

R emain conscious of God at all times.

quote 5935  | 

C onvey my message, even a single verse of the Qur’an.

quote 5934  | 

B e generous with your children and teach them well.

quote 5933  | 

C onduct your worldly affairs with integrity and work hard for the Hereafter.

quote 5932  | 

L ove your friend with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your enemy. Hate your enemy with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your friend.

quote 5931  | 

E at dinner, even if just a handful of dry dates – skipping dinner will age you.

quote 5930  | 

A true warrior battles his urges in order to obey God.

quote 5929  | 

A good grasp of religion is how God is best worshipped.

quote 5928  | 

T wo hungry wolves do not wreak as much havoc to a flock of sheep as love of glory and wealth to a Muslim’s faith.

quote 5927  | 

I ngratitude to others is ingratitude to God.

quote 5926  | 

N o one becomes wise without experience.

quote 5925  | 

N o one becomes prudent without stumbling.

quote 5924  | 

T he pious will diminish, one generation after another, until only scraps and chaff remain – and God will pay them no heed.

quote 5923  | 

T he hour will only afflict the most evil of people.

quote 5922  | 

T hings will get progressively worse, the world will turn its back on you more and more, and people will become greedier.

quote 5921  | 

T he Hour draws near, yet people become more and more greedy for this world; while it eludes their grasps more and more.

quote 5920  | 

I fear three things for my community when I am gone – a scholar’s lapse, a tyrant’s rule, and a capricious whim.

quote 5919  | 

E very age (period of time) will be worse than the one before.

quote 5918  | 

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