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A nd thus the liars defrauded humanity of a life of happiness and immortal bliss; For the Evil One preaches with Evil Mind and Evil Word Evil actions to the lying soul promising supremacy, But bringing it to ruin.

Zoroastrianism quote 7489  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 32, 5 

T o the wicked rulers, To the men of evil deeds, of evil words, of evil thoughts; Their depraved souls shall go to meet them with that which is foul. In the House of the Lie, they shall verily find their abode.

Zoroastrianism quote 7488  |   The Avesta
Spenta Mainyu Gatha Yasna 49, 11 

D o not lose joy in life as you grow old in years. Let not your joie de vivre be crushed under the weight of years.

Zoroastrianism quote 7487  |   Zoroaster

O ne need not scale the heights of the heavens, nor travel along the highways of the world to find Ahura Mazda. With purity of mind and holiness of heart one can find Him in one’s own heart.

Zoroastrianism quote 7486  |   Zoroaster

T he evil-liars feel afflicted, but not so the righteous. Whether a man’s possession be great or small Let him ever aspire to righteousness and abjure the wicked.

Zoroastrianism quote 7485  |   The Avesta
Spenta Mainyu Gatha Yasna 47, 4 

W hen at the time of awarding, men, with the help of Truth shall vanquish the Lie.

Zoroastrianism quote 7484  |   The Avesta
Spenta Mainyu Gatha Yasna 48, 1 

H e who sows the ground with care and diligence acquires a greater stock of religious merit than he could gain by the repetition of ten thousand prayers.

Zoroastrianism quote 7483  |   Zoroaster

F orm no covetous desire, so that the demon of greediness may not deceive thee, and the treasure of the world may not be tasteless to thee.

Zoroastrianism quote 7482  |   Zoroaster

T hen let none give ear to the words of the evil liar, The liar bringing woe and destruction to house and clan, to the province and the land. Resist him, then, with force.

Zoroastrianism quote 7481  |   The Avesta
Ahunuvaiti Gatha; Yasna 31, 18 

B eware of lust; it corrupteth both the body and the mind.

Zoroastrianism quote 7480  |   Zoroaster

W hen the Good Mind came to me and asked: “What wouldst thou choose?” Before Thy Fire in veneration, I replied: “So far as it is in my power, I shall cherish the gift of Righteousness”.

Zoroastrianism quote 7479  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha Yasna 43, 9 

W ith Thy Sovereign Power, and with Thy Good Mind, The Good Mind which brings prosperity to the world. Right dedication shall teach the Eternal Laws of Thy Wisdom, The Wisdom which none can deceive.

Zoroastrianism quote 7478  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha Yasna 43, 6 

V erily I believed Thee, O Mazda Ahura, to be the Supreme Benevolent Providence. For I beheld Thee as the primeval source of creation. For by Thy perfect wisdom Thou shalt render just recompense for all actions, Good to the good, evil to the evil, At the last turning of creation.

Zoroastrianism quote 7477  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha Yasna 43, 5 

H e who teaches others the righteous path of truth and happiness, Both in the material world and also the spiritual, The path leading to Thy abode, O Ahura; He attains an end better than good.

Zoroastrianism quote 7476  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha Yasna 43, 3 

W hen we are in doubt whether an action is good or bad, abstain from it.

Zoroastrianism quote 7475  |   Zoroaster

E xcessive liberty and excessive servitude are equally dangerous, and produce nearly the same effect.

Zoroastrianism quote 7474  |   Zoroaster

D o not hold grain waiting for higher prices when people are hungry.

Zoroastrianism quote 7473  |   Zoroaster

H appiness be the lot of him who works for the happiness of others. May the Lord grant him health and endurance.

Zoroastrianism quote 7472  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha Yasna 43, 1 

O ne good deed is worth a thousand prayers.

Zoroastrianism quote 7471  |   Zoroaster

Y our good thoughts, good words and good deeds alone will be your intercessors. Nothing more will be wanted. They alone will serve you as a safe pilot to the harbour of Heaven, as a safe guide to the gates of paradise.

Zoroastrianism quote 7470  |   Zoroaster

W hen the Good Mind came to me and told me assuringly, That a reflective, contented mind is the best possession. Let not a leader compromise with, or propitiate evil-doers, For they treat the righteous as enemies.

Zoroastrianism quote 7469  |   The Avesta
Ushtavaiti Gatha; Yasna 43, 15 

D oing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness.

Zoroastrianism quote 7468  |   Zoroaster

T urn yourself not away from three best things: Good Thought, Good Word, and Good Deed.

Zoroastrianism quote 7467  |   Zoroaster

P ut not your trust in life, for at the last death must overtake you;
and dog and bird will rend your corpse and your bones will be tumbled on the earth.
For three days and nights the soul sits beside the pillow of the body.
And on the fourth day at dawn (the soul) accompanied by the blessed Srosh, the good Vay, and the mighty Vahram, and opposed by Astvihat (the demon of death), the evil Vay, the demon Frehzisht and the demon Vizisht, and pursued by the active ill-will of Wrath, the evil-doer who bears a bloody spear, (will reach) the lofty and awful Bridge of the Requiter to which every man whose soul is saved and every man whose soul is damned must come. Here does many an enemy lie in wait.
Here (the soul will suffer) from the ill-will of Wrath who wields a bloody spear and from Astvihat who swallows all creation yet knows no sating,
and it will (benefit by) the mediation of Hihr, Srosh, and Rashn, and will (needs submit) to the weighing (of his deeds) by the righteous Rashn who lets the scales of the spiritual gods incline to neither side, neither for the saved nor yet for the damned, nor yet for kings and princes:
not so much as a hair's breadth does he allow (the scales) to tip, and he is no respecter (of persons),
for he deals out impartial justice both to kings and princes and to the humblest of men. […]
And when the soul departs from thence, then is a fragrant breeze wafted towards him, (a breeze) more fragrant than any perfume.
Then does the soul of the saved ask Srosh saying, 'What breeze is this, the like of which in fragrance I never smelt on earth?'
Then does the blessed Srosh make answer to the soul of the saved, saying, 'This is a wind (wafted) from Heaven; hence is it so fragrant.'

Zoroastrianism quote 3953  |   The Menok i Khrat
I, 71-78 & 91-93, edited by Anklesaria. Translation by R. C. Zaehner, in his The Teachings of the Magi (London, 1956), pp. 133-8 

H e who first through the mind filled the blessed spaces with light,
He it is who by his will created Righteousness,
Whereby he upholds the Best Mind.
This thou hast increased, 0 Wise One, by the Spirit
Which is even now one with thee, 0 Lord!

Zoroastrianism quote 3922  |   The Avesta
Yasna' 31, 7, Translation and introductory note by Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, in his The Hymns of Zarathustra (London, 1953) pp. 108-17 

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