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The Quran

247 quote(s)  | Page 5 / 10

Y e should remain Steadfast in Religion, and make No divisions therein . . .

quote 7639  | 
42:13 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

T o each among you Have We prescribed a Law And an Open Way. . . . . . . strive As in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God.

quote 7638  | 
5:48 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

H e who pardons (the evil done to him) and reforms himself, will receive his reward from God.

quote 7637  | 
42:40 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar) 

cf.‘Even if you try to kill me, I certainly shall not try to kill you. I have fear of God, the Lord of the creation.’ The Holy Qur’an 5:28 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar)

A nd not alike are the good and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is best, when lo! he between whom and you was enmity would be as if he were a warm friend. And none are made to receive it but those who are patient, and none are made to receive it but those who have a mighty good fortune.

quote 7636  | 
41:34-35 (English translation by Muhammad Habib Shakir) 

cf. ‘Virtue and evil are not equal. If you replace evil habits by virtuous ones, you will certainly find that your enemies will become your intimate friends. Only those who exercise patience and who have been granted a great share of God's favor can find such an opportunity.’ The Holy Qur’an 41:34-35 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar)

T hose who purify their souls will certainly have everlasting happiness and those who corrupt their souls will certainly be deprived (of happiness).

quote 7635  | 
91:9-10 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar) 

N ever be then Of those who doubt. The Word of thy Lord Doth find its fulfilment In truth and in justice: None can change His Words: For He is the one Who Heareth and knoweth all. . . .
Eschew all sin, Open or secret . . .
To all are degrees (or ranks) According to their deeds: . . .
He that doeth good Shall have ten times As much to his credit: He that doeth evil Shall only be recompensed According to his evil: No wrong shall be done Unto (any of ) them.’ he

quote 7634  | 
6:114-160 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

N ever be then Of those who doubt. The Word of thy Lord Doth find its fulfilment In truth and in justice: None can change His Words: For He is the one Who Heareth and knoweth all. . . . Eschew all sin, Open or secret . . . To all are degrees (or ranks) According to their deeds: . . . He that doeth good Shall have ten times As much to his credit: He that doeth evil Shall only be recompensed According to his evil: No wrong shall be done Unto (any of ) them.’ he Holy Qur’an 6:114-160 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

quote 7633  | 

G od has revealed (From time to time)
The most beautiful Message In the form of a Book,
Consistent with itself, (Yet) repeating (its teaching In various aspects) . . . . . .
And those who reject The Signs of God, — It is they who will Be in loss. . . .
And to every soul will be Paid in full (the fruit) Of its deeds . . . . . .
And evil is (this) Abode of the arrogant! . . . . . .
how excellent A reward for those Who work (righteousness)!’

quote 7632  | 
39:23-74 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

S erve God, and join not Any partners with Him; And do good To parents, kinsfolk, Orphans, those in need, Neighbours who are near, Neighbours who are strangers, The Companion by your side, The way-farer (ye meet), And what your right hands possess . . .

quote 7631  | 
4:36 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) ) 

cf. ‘Worship God and consider no one equal to Him. Be kind to your parents, relatives, orphans, the destitute, your near and distant neighbors, your companions, wayfarers, and your slaves. God does not love the proud and boastful ones . . . ’ The Holy Qur’an 4:36 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar

T reat with kindness Your parents and kindred, And orphans and those in need; Speak fair to the people; Be steadfast in prayer; And practise regular charity.

quote 7630  | 
2:83 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

cf.‘We have enjoined on man (To be good) to his parents: In travail upon travail Did his mother bear him, And in years twain Was his weaning: (hear The command), "Show gratitude To Me and to thy parents: To Me is (thy final) Goal.’ The Holy Qur’an 31:14 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

A h, what will convey unto thee what the Ascent is! — (It is) to free a slave, And to feed in the day of hunger An orphan near of kin, Or some poor wretch in misery, And to be of those who believe and exhort one another to perseverance and exhort one another to pity.

quote 7629  | 
90:12-17 (English translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall) 

A s We have sent a Messenger from your own people to show you evidence about Me, to purify you from sins, to teach you the Book, give you wisdom and instruct you in that which you did not know . . .

quote 7628  | 
2:151 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar) 

A ll the Messengers that We sent spoke the language of their people so that they could explain (their message to them) .

quote 7627  | 
14:4 (English translation by Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar) 

cf.‘‘We sent not an apostle Except (to teach) in the language Of his (own) people, in order To make (things) clear to them.’ The Holy Qur’an 14:4 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

T here never was A people, without a warner Having lived among them (In the past).

quote 7626  | 
35:24 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

W e made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other.

quote 7625  | 

O n those who believe And work deeds of righteousness, Will (God) Most Gracious Bestow Love.

quote 7624  | 
19:96 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

M ankind was but one nation . . .

quote 7623  | 
10:19 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 

cf.‘Mankind were but one community . . . ’ The Glorious Qur’an 10:19 (English translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall)

A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light — by the leave of their Lord — to the Way of (Him) the Exalted in power, worthy of all praise! † The Holy Qur’an 14:1 (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) ‘(This is) a Scripture which We have revealed unto thee (Muhammad) that thereby thou mayst bring forth mankind from darkness unto light, by the permission of their Lord, unto the path of the Mighty, the Owner of Praise . . . ’

quote 7622  | 
14:1 (English translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall) 

S o woe to those who pray [but] who are heedless of their prayer and make show [of their deeds] and withhold [simple] assistance.

quote 5740  | 
Q 107 : 1-7 

W oe to the slanderer and the backbiter.

quote 5739  | 
Q 104 : 1 

S o whoever does an atom’s weight of good, God will see it.

quote 5738  | 
Q 99 : 8 

R ead! And your Lord is the Most Generous.

quote 5737  | 
Q 96 : 3 

V erily, with every burden comes blessing.

quote 5736  | 
Q 94 : 5 

A nd repulse not the beggar.

quote 5735  | 
Q 93 : 10 

T reat not the orphan with oppression.

quote 5734  | 
Q 93 : 09 

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