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The quotes of Unknown

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K nowledge is always within the shadow of ignorance. There can be no complete knowledge of the universe

quote 4539  |   Unknown
Madras Talks 

T he prayer of my heart gave me such consolation that I felt there was no happier person on earth than I, and I doubted if there could be greater and fuller happiness in the kingdom of Heaven. Not only did I feel this in my own soul, but the whole outside world also seemed to me full of charm and delight. Everything drew me to love and thank God: people, trees, plants, animals. I saw them all as my kinsfolk, I found in all of them the magic of the Name of Jesus.

quote 3090  |   Unknown
Russian Monk, R. M., trans. The Way of a Pilgrim. New York: The Seabury Press, 1965, pp. 1, 7, 31, 4 1, 105. 

S ometimes by calling upon the name of Jesus I was overwhelmed with bliss, and now I knew the meaning of the words "The kingdom of God is within you."

quote 3089  |   Unknown
Russian Monk, R. M., trans. The Way of a Pilgrim. New York: The Seabury Press, 1965, pp. 1, 7, 31, 4 1, 105. 

A Christian is bound to perform many good works, but before all else what he ought to do is pray, for without prayer no other good work whatever can be accomplished. Without prayer he cannot find the way to the Lord, he cannot understand the truth, he cannot crucify the flesh with its passions and lusts, his heart cannot be enlightened with the light of Christ, he cannot be savingly united to God. None of those things can be effected unless they are preceded by constant prayer.

quote 3088  |   Unknown
Russian Monk, R. M., trans. The Way of a Pilgrim. New York: The Seabury Press, 1965, pp. 1, 7, 31, 4 1, 105. 

W hen I prayed with my heart, everything around me seemed delightful and marvelous. The trees, the grass, the birds, the earth, the air, the light seemed to be telling me that they existed for man's sake, that they witnessed to the love of God for man, that everything proved the love of God for man, that all things prayed to God and sang his praise.
Sometimes my understanding, which had been so stupid before, was given so much light that I could easily grasp and dwell upon matters of which up to now I had not been able even to think at all. Sometimes that sense of a warm gladness in my heart spread throughout my whole being and I was deeply moved as the fact of the presence of God everywhere was brought home to me. Sometimes by calling upon the name of Jesus I was overwhelmed with bliss, and now I knew the meaning of the words "The kingdom of God is within you.'
The Prayer of my heart gave me such consolation that I felt there was no happier person on earth than I, and I doubted if there could be greater and fuller happiness in the kingdom of Heaven. Not only did I feel this in my own soul, but the whole outside world also seemed to me full of charm and delight. Everything drew me to love and thank God: people, trees, plants, animals. I saw them all as my kinsfolk, I found in all of them the magic of the Name of Jesus.

quote 2852  |   Unknown
Unknown, from The Way of a Pilgrim, translated by R. M. French (New York: Seabury Press, 1965) 

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