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The quotes of African Culture

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T he conception of a Deity. The Kikuyu believes in one God, Ngai, the creator and giver of all things. He has no Father, Mother or companion of any kind. He loves or hates people according to their behaviour.

quote 3906  |   African Culture
Ngai, The High God of the Kikuyu, Jomo Kenyatta, 'Kikuyu Religion, Ancestor-worship, and Sacrificial Practices.' Africa, X (1937) pp. 308-28 

The Kikuyu are a Bantu-speaking tribe of East Africa

I soko Religion begins with Cghene the Supreme Being, who is believed to have created the world and all peoples, including the Isoko. He lives in the sky which is a part of him, sends rain and sunshine, and shows his anger through thunder. Cghene is entirely beyond human comprehension, has never been seen, is sexless, and is only known by his actions, which have led men to speak of Cghene as 'him', because he is thought of as the creator and therefore the father of all the Isokos. He is spoken of as Our Father never as My Father. Cghene always punishes evil and rewards good.

quote 3905  |   African Culture
The Supreme Being of the Isoko (of Southern Nigeria), James W. Telch, 'The Isoko Tribe,' Africa VII (1934), pp 160-73; quotation from p. 163 

N zambi Mpungu is a being, invisible, but very powerful, who made all men and things, […] He intervenes in the creation of every child, he punishes those who violated his prohibitions. They render him no worship, for he has need of none and is inaccessible.

quote 3904  |   African Culture
Nzambi, The High God of the Bakongo in Van Wing, Etudes Bakongo (Brussels 1921; pp.170 ff.) as translated by Edwin W. Smith in Smith (ed.), African Ideas of God: A Symposium (2nd ed; London, 1950), p.159 

T he High Gods of a great number of African ethnic groups are regarded as creators, all-powerful, benevolent, and so forth; but they play a rather insignificant part in the religious life. Being either too distant or too good to need a real cult, they are invoked only in cases of great crises.

quote 3903  |   African Culture
Mircea Eleade, Essential Sacred Writings From Around the World (From Primitive to Zen), HarperSanFrancisco, p.5-6 

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