World  Philosophical  Heritage

Wisdom and teachings of

844 quote(s)  | Page 8 / 34

G od, make my soul mindful of You and cleanse it of sins – You cleanse it best, since You are the Master and Benefactor.

quote 5967  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, forgive my sins – be they mistaken or deliberate, hidden or public, by omission or commission.

quote 5966  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, You are Forgiving and love forgiving – forgive me my sins.

quote 5965  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, You have made me beautiful – make my character beautiful too.

quote 5964  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, choose and single out what is good for me.

quote 5963  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, grant me a speedy cure, fortitude to bear Your trials, and the passage from this world into Your Mercy.

quote 5962  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, I seek refuge with you from misleading or being misled; from demeaning or being demeaned, from tormenting or being tormented and from wronging or being wronged.

quote 5961  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

G od, I seek refuge with You from knowledge without benefit; from a heart without humility, from a prayer unheard and from an appetite unsated. I seek refuge with You from the evil of all four.

quote 5960  | 
Supplications of the Prophet 

S upplication is the believer’s best weapon.

quote 5959  | 

T oo much hilarity kills the spirit.

quote 5958  | 

B elievers are gentle and easygoing.

quote 5957  | 

E ach and every one of you is a shepherd accountable for his flock.

quote 5956  | 

G ood character will be placed in the celestial scale first.

quote 5955  | 

S ilence shows wisdom, but few oblige.

quote 5954  | 

A n honest living is an obligation second only to worship.

quote 5953  | 

D ebt disfigures devotion.

quote 5952  | 

L iving thriftily is more profitable than certain trades.

quote 5951  | 

G ratitude after eating is like forbearance during fasting.

quote 5950  | 

S ouls are like mustered armies: the similar come together and unite, the dissimilar part ways.

quote 5949  | 

M ost people take two blessings for granted – health and leisure.

quote 5948  | 

H earts are conditioned to love those who are kind to them and to hate those who are cruel.

quote 5947  | 

T est people and you will come to hate them. – be slow to trust.

quote 5946  | 

C harity begins at home.

quote 5945  | 

A promise is a debt.

quote 5944  | 

L essen your burden of sin, and you will be less terrified of death.

quote 5943  | 

Page:  7 |8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | Etc.

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