Chapters 1-27
> Chapters 1-27  :
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(Avestan version)

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8. 0  
(zôt u râspî,)
8. 1  
ashem vohû vahishtem astî ... (3). ashaya dadhãmi hvarethem myazdem haurvata ameretâta gâush hudå haomemca para-haomemca aêsmãsca baoidhîmca frasasti ahurahe mazdå ahunahe vairyehe arshuxdhahe vâxsh dahmayå vanghuyå âfritôish ukhrâi dâmôish upamanâi haomaheca mãthraheca ashaonaêca zarathushtrahe, ashaya-nô paiti jamyât!
- A blessing is Righteousness (called) the Best. It is weal; it is weal to this (man), When toward Righteousness Best there is right. I offer the Myazda (of the) meat-offering with a complete and sacred offering; and I offer Haurvatatat (who guards the water), and Ameretatat (who guards the plants and the wood), and the flesh of the blessed Kine; and I offer the Haoma and the Haoma-juice, the wood-billets and the perfume for the praise of Ahura Mazda, and of the Ahuna-vairya, the veracious word, and for that of the pious and beneficent Prayer for blessings, and for the redoubted Curse of the wise, and for the praise of the Haoma, and of the Mathra of the holy Zarathushtra; and may it come to us with sacred fullness (to accept and to recompense our gift). (Ⅱ)
8. 2  
(râspî,) hvarata narô aêtem myazdem ýôi dim hanghâna ashâca frêretica!
- (The Ratu speaks.) Eat, O ye men, of this Myazda, the meat-offering, ye who have deserved it by your righteousness and correctness. (Ⅱ)
8. 3  
(zôt,) amesha speñta daêne mâzdayasne vanghavasca vanguhîshca zaothråsca, ýô aêshva mazdayasnaêshva mazdayasnô aojanô ashahe râthma jîshtayamnô ýâthwa gaêthå ashahe merekheñte avi tû dim disyata ýå apasca urvaråsca zaothråsca.
- O ye Bountiful Immortals, and thou, the Mazdayasnian law, ye just men and just women, and ye Zaothras, whoever among these Mazdayasnians would call himself a Mazdayasnian desiring to live in the practice of the liberality of Righteousness [for by sorcery the settlements of Righteousness are ruined], do ye cause (such an one) to be (still further) taught1, (ye), who are the waters, the plants, and the Zaothras! (Ⅱ)
8. 4  
ýasca aêtaêshãm mazdayasnanãm perenâyunãm aiwi-zûzuyanãm imã vacô nôit vîsaiti framrûite aêtãm â ýâtumanahe jasaiti. ashem vohû vahishtem astî ... (3 u 4). ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (2)!
- And whoever of these Mazdayasnians, adults, when he invokes with earnestness, does not adhere to these words, and (so) speaks, he approaches to that (word) of the magician; (but, as against that magician's word) 'a blessing is Righteousness (called) the Best.' (Ⅱ)
8. 5  
vasasca tû ahura-mazda ushtâca xshaêsha havanãm dâmanãm, vasô âpô vasô urvarå vasô vîspa vohû ashacithra xshayamnem ashavanem dâyata axshayamnem drvañtem.
- May'st Thou, O Ahura Mazda! reign at Thy will, and with a saving rule over Thine own creatures, and render Ye the holy (man) also a sovereign at his will over waters, and over plants, and over all the clean and sacred (creatures) which contain the seed of Righteousness. Strip ye the wicked of all power!2 (Ⅱ)
8. 6  
vasô-xshathrô hyât ashava, avasô-xshathrô hyât drvå gatô hamistô nizhberetô haca speñtahe mainyêush dâmabyô varatô avasô-xshathrô.
- Absolute in power may the holy be, bereft of all free choice the wicked ! Gone (may he be), met as foe, carried out from the creatures of Spenta Mainyu, hemmed in without power over any wish! (Ⅱ)
8. 7  
haxshaya azemcit ýô zarathushtrô fratemã nmânanãmca vîsãmca zañtunãmca dah'yunãmca ainghå daênayå anumatayaêca anuxtayaêca anvarshtayaêca ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish.
- I will incite, even I who am Zarathushtra, the heads of the houses, villages, Zantus, and provinces, to the careful following of this Religion which is that of Ahura, and according to Zarathushtra, in their thoughts, their words, and their deeds.3 (Ⅱ)
8. 8  
(râspî,) ravasca hvâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå ashaonô stôish, ãzasca duzhâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå drvatô stôish!
- I pray for the freedom and glory of the entire existence of the holy (man) while I bless it, and I pray for the repression and shame of the entire existence of the wicked. (Ⅱ)
8. 9  
ashem vohû vahishtem astî ... (3). haomahe ashavazanghô xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca. (zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!!
- Ashem Vohu ... . Propitiation to Haoma who brings righteousness (to us) for sacrifice, homage, propitiation, and for praise. (The Zaotar?) As the Ahu to be (revered and) chosen, the Zaotar speaks forth to me. (The Ratu.) As an Ahu to be (revered and) chosen, the Zaotar speaks forth to me. (The Zaotar.) So let the Ratu from his Righteousness, holy and learned, speak forth! (Ⅱ)

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