World  Sacred  Scriptures

The Talmud

144 quote(s)  | Page 4 / 6

T here be a banquet without preparations?

quote 6555  |   The Talmud

G od loves those who do not insist upon their privileges.

quote 6553  |   The Talmud
Pesachim 113a 

G od created the Evil Impulse, but He also created its antidote, the Torah.

quote 6551  |   The Talmud
Kiddushin 30 b 

W ho answers Amen is greater than the suppliant.

quote 6539  |   The Talmud

T he wife of a scholar is accounted one, too.

quote 6535  |   The Talmud
Avoda Zara 

P overty in a home is worse than fifty plagues.

quote 6532  |   The Talmud
Bava Batra 116a 

H appiness comes to a man when he dwells beneath his own roof-tree.

quote 6529  |   The Talmud
Talmud Yerushalmi, Mo’ed Katan 

I mmorality in a home is like a worm in fruit.

quote 6527  |   The Talmud
Sota 3b 

A town without schoolchildren is doomed to destruction.

quote 6526  |   The Talmud

N ever promise something to a child and not give it to him, because in that way he learns to lie.

quote 6523  |   The Talmud

W here God is blasphemed, no respect is due to the Rabbi.

quote 6521  |   The Talmud

N o leader should be set over the community without first consulting it.

quote 6513  |   The Talmud

W ho accepts alms he needs not will end by truly needing alms before he leaves this world.

quote 6510  |   The Talmud

B oys should be given bread, old men—oil, babies—honey.

quote 6509  |   The Talmud

I f you are a man of the sword, you can’t claim to be a man of the book; and if you are a man of the book, you will not be a man of the sword.

quote 6508  |   The Talmud
Avodah Zarah 17b 

T he Sabbath was given for the study of the Torah.

quote 6504  |   The Talmud
Pesikta R. 22 

T he latter troubles make us forget the first.

quote 6503  |   The Talmud

T he poor of your own town should be preferred to those of another.

quote 6501  |   The Talmud
Bava Metzia 

A woman’s shame is greater than a man’s.

quote 6500  |   The Talmud

C ursed be he whose wife is faithful and himself is not!

quote 6493  |   The Talmud
Yerushalmi, Demai 

I t is better to eat herbs and fear no creditors, than eat meat and have to hide from them.

quote 6492  |   The Talmud
Pesachim 114a 

B enevolence is kindlier than charity.

quote 6486  |   The Talmud
Yerushalmi, Peah 

H appy the generation where the big listen to the little!

quote 6480  |   The Talmud
Rosh Hashana 

A s men age, their opinions change.

quote 6479  |   The Talmud

F rom a man’s blessings one may know if he be a scholar or not.

quote 6477  |   The Talmud

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