World  Sacred  Scriptures

The Talmud

144 quote(s)  | Page 5 / 6

I f a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two.

quote 6475  |   The Talmud
Megillah 18a 

A prosecutor cannot become counsel for the defense.

quote 6473  |   The Talmud

T he best charity is good will.

quote 6470  |   The Talmud

W hat is hateful to thee, never do to thy fellow man: that is the entire Torah; all the rest is commentary.

quote 6469  |   The Talmud
Shabbat 31a 

A passage from Scripture can yield many meanings, just as a hammer splits one rock into many fragments.

quote 6466  |   The Talmud
Sanhedrin 34a 

T orah can be acquired only through friendship.

quote 6462  |   The Talmud
Berakhot 63b 

T he dish of two partners is neither hot nor cold. [Too many cooks spoil the broth. A shared kettle never boils.]

quote 6460  |   The Talmud

D on’t worry about tomorrow: who knows, what may befall you this day?

quote 6459  |   The Talmud
Yebamot 63b 

A man cannot live without a woman or a woman live without a man.

quote 6455  |   The Talmud
Talmud Yerushalmi, Berakhot 

A man should never stand in a place of danger and expect a miracle to happen to him.

quote 6449  |   The Talmud

H ospitality to strangers shows reverence for the name of the Lord.

quote 6442  |   The Talmud
Shabbat 127a 

B e ever decorous when you enter and when you leave.

quote 6440  |   The Talmud
Pirke Ben Azzai 

W hen you teach your son, use a carefully edited text.

quote 6438  |   The Talmud

H e who teaches a child is as if he had created it.

quote 6426  |   The Talmud
Sanhedrin 19b 

A gate once widened stays wide.

quote 6425  |   The Talmud
Bava Batra 

H e who studies but does not repeat his lessons is as one who plants but does not enjoy the fruit.

quote 6420  |   The Talmud
Sanhedrin 90 

T he one who causes a good deed to be performed is as meritorious as the one who performs it.

quote 6416  |   The Talmud

I ngathering of Exiles is as important as the day when heaven and earth were created.

quote 6407  |   The Talmud

W hatever your host tells you, do.

quote 6401  |   The Talmud

I t is not your duty to complete the work, but neither are you excused from it.

quote 6399  |   The Talmud
Pirke Avot 

T he righteous are greater in death than in life.

quote 6398  |   The Talmud

O nce a man is appointed leader of a community, he must be deemed mightiest of the mighty.

quote 6395  |   The Talmud
Rosh Hashanah 

T his nation is like the dust and like the stars: when it sinks, it sinks to the dust, and when it rises, it rises to the stars!

quote 6391  |   The Talmud

A nxiety kills even the most heroic of heroes.

quote 6387  |   The Talmud

T he best charity is good will.

quote 6383  |   The Talmud

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