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G od said to Abraham: "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee." God says to man: "First, get you out of your country, that means the dimness you have inflicted on yourself. Then out of your birthplace, that means out of the dimness your mother inflicted on you. After that, out of the house of your father, that means out of the dimness your father inflicted on you. Only then will you be able to go to the land that I will show you."

quote 2766  | 
Martin Buber’s ten rungs, collected Hassidic saying, p.70 

V erily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter there.

quote 2718  | 
Mark 10:13-15 (AV), taken from the 1611 King James Version of the Bible 

T o do all this the Bodhisattva should keep himself away from all turmoil, social excitements and sleepiness; let him keep away from the treatises and writings of worldly philosophers, and from the ritual and ceremonies of professional priestcraft. Let him retire to a secluded place in the forest and there devote himself to the practice of the various spiritual disciplines, because it is only by so doing that he will become capable of attaining in this world of multiplicities a true insight into the workings of Universal Mind in its Essence. There surrounded by his good friends the Buddhas, earnest disciples will become capable of understanding the significance of the mind-system and its place as a mediating agent between the external world and Universal Mind and he will become capable of crossing the ocean of birth-and-death which rises from ignorance, desire and deed.

quote 2597  |   The Lankavatara Sutra
Ch VII, p.323-26, in Dwight Goddard, A Buddhist bible 

T he Teacher said, "When a good thought is retained, there is the Principle of Nature. The thought itself is goodness. Is there another goodness to be thought about? Since the thought is not evil, what evil is there to be removed? This thought is comparable to the root of a tree. To make up one's mind means always to build up this good thought, that is all. To be able to follow what one's heart desires without transgressing moral principles (1) merely means that one's mind has reached full maturity."

quote 2437  | 
Wang Wen-ch'eng Kung ch'uan-shu, or Complete Works of Wang Yang-ming, Instruction for a Practical Living, 1:31b-32a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 35 

(1) Analects, 2:4

H ow is it that any effort is required to rectify the mind? The reason is that, while the original substance of the mind is originally correct, incorrectness enters when one's thoughts and will are in operation. Therefore he who wishes to rectify his mind must rectify it in connection with the operation of his thoughts and will. If, whenever a good thought arises he really loves it as he loves beautiful colors, and whenever an evil thought arises, he really hates it as he hates bad odors, then his will will always be sincere and his mind can be rectified.

quote 2425  | 
Wang Wen-ch'eng Kung ch'uan-shu, or Complete Works of Wang Yang-ming, Inquiry on the Great Learning, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 35 

E stablish yourself in life and respect yourself. Don't follow other people's footsteps nor repeat their words.

quote 2413  | 
Complete Work of Lu Hsiang-shan (Hsiang-shan ch’uan-chi), 35:22a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 33 

T he human mind should be as calm as still water. Being calm, it will be tranquil. Being tranquil, it will be enlightened.

quote 2343  | 
Shao Yung, Supreme Principle Governing the World (Huang-Chi Ching Shu), 8B:25a-26a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 29 

T o be correct in one's person means to be sincere in one's heart. And to be sincere in one's heart means to return from (turn away from) evil activities. Evil activities represent falsehood. When it has been turned away, there will be none.

quote 2331  | 
Chou Tun-yi, penetrating the Book of Changes, Ch. 32, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 28 

W hat you do not wish others to do to you, do not do to them.

quote 2164  |   The Zhongyong
Doctrine of the Mean, Chapter 13, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 5. 

T he will is the leader of the vital force, and the vital force pervades and animates the body. The will is the highest; the vital force comes next. Therefore I say, 'Hold the Will firm and never do violence to the vital force.'

quote 2150  | 
Book of Mencius, 2A:2, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 3. 

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