World  Philosophical  Heritage

Wisdom and teachings of

921 quote(s)  | Page 13 / 37

I f faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practised, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.

quote 5452  | 

L ife and death, joy and sorrow, gain and loss; these dualities cannot be avoided. Learn to accept what you cannot change.

quote 5451  |   The Ramayana

O h Mother, I don’t want name and fame; I don’t want the eight occult powers; Oh Mother, I have no desire for creature comforts; Please, Mother, Grant me the boon that I may have pure love For Thy lotus feet.

quote 5450  | 

T he universe is the outcome of imagination, so why try to acquire knowledge of the imaginative universe, instead of plumbing the depths of your real Self?

quote 5449  |   Meher Baba

O ne may admit clearly and openly, I have not been able to achieve the ideal. But one should never attempt to justify one’s performance in terms of lowering the ideal—for success reasons, or for reasons of comfort, or for any other sort of reason.

quote 5448  |   Prabhavananda

L ive quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.

quote 5447  |   Paramhansa Yogananda

T here is no failure in spiritual life. We find that clearly set forth as well in the Bhagavad Gita. Even if you seem to fail or stop, what has been gained will not be lost. It is stored— put in a kind of deposit from which you can draw the next time around.

quote 5446  |   Prabhavananda

T he little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe. The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightening and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.

quote 5445  |   Prabhavananda

G od is not so far away. He is not in the heavens above, nor in hell below. He is always near you.

quote 5444  |   Shirdi Sai Baba

T here are three gates to this self-destructive hell: lust, anger, and greed. Renounce these three.

quote 5443  | 

I f you go on working with the light available, you will meet your Master, as he himself will be seeking you.

quote 5442  | 

W e should serve others without any expectations whatsoever. When others throw thorns at us, we should be able to throw flowers back at them.

quote 5441  |   Amirthanandamayi

A im high, aim at the highest, and all lower aims are thereby achieved. It is looking below on the stormy sea of differences that makes you sink. Look up, beyond these and see the One Glorious Real, and you are saved.

quote 5440  | 

D evout men who are intent thereon see the spirit seated in themselves; but the senseless, whose minds are unformed, see it not.

quote 5439  | 

A s different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God.

quote 5438  | 

T he whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.

quote 5437  | 

H e who guides his five senses by the hook of wisdom will be a seed in the world of heaven.

quote 5436  |   The Thirrukkural
Couplet 34 

I f the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state.

quote 5435  | 

R ealisation is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty. It is only removal of all camouflage.

quote 5434  | 

M ine, not thine; this sense of greed is the root of all evil. This distinction is applied even to God! -- my God, not yours! Your God, not mine!

quote 5433  |   Satya Sai Baba

W here there is Faith, there is Love; Where there is Love; there is Peace; Where there is Peace; there is God; Where there is God; there is Bliss.

quote 5432  |   Satya Sai Baba

T he moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body; the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.

quote 5431  | 

I n a potter’s shop there are vessels of different shapes and forms--pots, jars, dishes, plates, etc; but all are made of one clay. So God is one, but is worshipped in different ages and climes under different names and aspects.

quote 5430  | 

O ur highest, most important duty in this world is to help our fellow beings.

quote 5429  |   Amirthanandamayi

W hatever you do, make it an offering to me – the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your suffering.

quote 5428  | 

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