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Wisdom and teachings of

655 quote(s)  | Page 8 / 27

A faultless man is possible only in a faultless world

quote 6723  |   Hasdai

T he more distant and loftier the ideal, the greater its power to uplift the soul.

quote 6722  |   Achad Ha’am

R espect an old man who has lost his learning: remember that the fragments of the Tablets broken by Moses were preserved alongside the new.

quote 6721  |   The Talmud
Berakot 8b 

B etter an hour of repentance and good deeds in this world than a lifetime in the world to come.

quote 6720  |   The Pirkei Avot

I t is better not to give alms than to give it in public, with embarrassment for the recipient.

quote 6719  |   The Talmud

T he world goes on because of those who close their lips when they meet hostility from others.

quote 6718  |   Rabbin Nachman of Bratslav

M an can never be happy if he does not nourish his soul as he does his body.

quote 6717  |   Rebbe Menachem Schneerson

T he talk of the child in the street is that of his father or mother at home.

quote 6716  |   The Talmud

I f a sin waylays a man and he rejects it, that is deemed a great virtue.

quote 6715  |   The Ketuvim
Song of Songs R. 

N o wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord.

quote 6713  |   The Book of Proverbs

W ho looks for a faultless friend will have none.

quote 6712  |   Judah Leib Lazerov

A door not open to good deeds is open to the doctor.

quote 6711  |   The Ketuvim
Song of Songs R. 

I f you do not know what there is on earth, do you expect to know what there is in heaven?

quote 6710  |   The Talmud

S hame not the old: we shall all be numbered among them.

quote 6709  | 

A man with no sense deserves no pity.

quote 6708  |   The Talmud

I f you do not sow, how will you harvest?

quote 6707  |   Safra

S tudy leads to action.

quote 6706  |   The Talmud

V irtue bears its fruits.

quote 6705  |   The Misdrashs
Midrash Tehillim 

A generation in which human ideals do not improve must perish.

quote 6704  |   The Kotzker Rabbi

I f a wolf comes to kill you, you are not bound to pat its back.

quote 6703  |   Samuel Joseph Agnon

M ake sure to be in with your equals if you’re going to fall out with your superiors.

quote 6702  |   Jewish Proverb
Traditional Proverb 

T he real success is success of the soul.

quote 6701  |   Joseph Albo

M en worry over the loss of their possessions, not over the loss of their years—which never return.

quote 6700  |   Jewish Proverb
Traditional Proverb 

J ust as you listen to the poor man, listen to the rich man, for it is written, You shall not favor persons in judgment.

quote 6699  |   Rabbi Nathan
Avot 20:22a 

M uch have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students

quote 6698  |   The Talmud
Ta’anit 7b 

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