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Wisdom and teachings of

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T he true lover of knowledge is always striving after Being-that is his nature; he will not rest at those multitudinous particular phenomena whose existence is in appearance only, but will go on-the keen edge will not be blunted, nor the force of his passion abate until he have attained the knowledge of the true nature of all essence by a sympathetic and kindred power in the soul. And by that power, drawing near and becoming one with very Being, ... he will know and truly live and increase. Then, and only then, will he cease from his travail.

quote 3638  | 
Republic, 490A-B; Jowett 

Y ou too, gentlemen of the jury, must look forward to death with confidence, and fix your minds on this one belief, which is certain: that nothing can harm a good man either in life or after death, and his fortunes are not a matter of indifference to the gods. This present experience of mine has not come about accidently; I am quite clear that the time had come when it was better for me to die and be released from my distractions. That is why my sign [his guiding spirit] never turned me back.

quote 3637  | 
Apology, 41D-42A; adapted from Hamilton, E., 1969, pp. 25-26 

W ealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state.

quote 3636  | 
Apology, 29C-30C; adapted from Hamilton, E., 1969, pp. 15-16 

M y very good friend, you are an Athenian and belong to a city which is the greatest and most famous in the world for its wisdom and strength. Are you not ashamed that you give your attention to acquiring as much money as possible, and similarly with reputation and honor, and give no attention or thought to Truth and understanding, and the perfection of your soul?

quote 3635  | 
Apology, 29C-30C; adapted from Hamilton, E., 1969, pp. 15-16 

M oreover," [said Socrates] "you must not wonder that those who attain this height are unwilling to descend to human affairs; for their souls are always hastening into the upper world where they desire to dwell..."

quote 3634  | 
Republic, Bk. VII.517; adapted from Hamilton, E., 1969 

B ut whether true or false, my opinion is that in the world of knowledge, the realm of "the Good" appears last of all and is seen only with an effort. And, when seen, it is also understood to be the universal Cause of all things beautiful and right, Father of 'light and Lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate Source of reason and truth in the intelligible world; and to be the Power on which he who would act rationally either in public or private life must have his eye fixed."

"I agree," said Glaucon, "as far as I can understand you."

quote 3633  | 
Republic, Bk. VII.517; adapted from Hamilton, E., 1969 

P ride is the greatest hindrance to the progress of the Soul. Moderation is the greatest virtue, and wisdom is to speak the truth and to act in accordance with nature, while continuously attending to one’s own self.

quote 3632  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 131,112 

I n the One, above and below are the same, [just as] beginning and end are one in the circumference of a circle. That which is in conflict is also in concert; while things differ from one another, they are all contained in the most beautiful Unity.

quote 3631  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 60,103, 8 

T his ordered universe, which is the same for all, was not created by any one of the gods or by man, but always was, is, and shall be, an ever-living Flame that is first kindled and then quenched in turn. [The universe bursts forth and then is reabsorbed, yet its Source is ever-living, like a Sun that never sets] and who can hide from that which never sets? [That eternal Intelligence in man] is forever beyond change;

quote 3630  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 30, 16, 34a 

Y ou needn't listen to me; listen to the Logos [within]. When you do, you will agree that all things are One.

quote 3629  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 50 

T he best of men choose to know the One above all else;
It is the famous "Eternal" within mortal men.
But the majority of men are complacent, like well-fed cattle. They revel in mud; like donkeys, they prefer chaff to gold.

quote 3628  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 29, 13, 9 

Y ou could not in your travels find the source or destination of the soul, so deeply hidden is the Logos.
[But] I searched for It [and found It] within myself.
That hidden Unity is beyond what is visible.
All men have this capacity of knowing themselves, [for] the soul has the Logos within it, which can be known when the soul is evolved.
What is within us remains the same eternally;
It is the same in life and death, waking and sleeping, youth and old age; for, It has become this world, and the world must return to It.

quote 3627  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 45, 101, 54, 116, 115,88 

W ithout It, the fairest universe is but a randomly scattered dust-heap. If we are to speak with intelligence, we must found our being on that which is common to all... For that Logos which governs man is born of the One, which is Divine. It [the Divine] governs the universe by Its will, and is more than sufficient to everyone.

quote 3626  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 124 and 114 

T hough men are inseparable from the Logos, yet they are separated in it; and though they encounter it daily, they are alienated from it

quote 3625  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 72 

Logos has different meanings: thought, reason, idea, theory

T hose who believe themselves wise regard as real only the appearance of things, but these fashioners of falsehood will have their reward.

quote 3624  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 28 

E veryone is ruled by the Logos, which is common to all; yet, though the Logos is universal, the majority of men live as if they had an identity peculiar to themselves.

quote 3623  | 
Adapted from fragments of Heraclitus, found in Freeman, K., 1962; pp. 24-34. Fragment nbr. 2 

Logos has different meanings: thought, reason, idea, theory

H atred is not only a vice, but a vice which goes point-blank against Nature.
Hatred divides instead of joining and frustrates God's will in human society.
One man is born to help another.
Hatred makes us destroy one another.
Love unites-hatred separates.
Love is beneficial-hatred is destructive.
Love succors even strangers, hatred destroys the most intimate friendship.
Love fills all hearts with joy, hatred ruins all those who possess it.
Nature is bountiful, hatred is pernicious.
It is not hatred, but mutual love, that holds all mankind together.

quote 3047  | 
Davis, Chas. Greek and Roman Stoicism. Boston: Herbert B. Turner and Co., 1903, pp. 226, 236, 241. 

W hat is God?
The Mind of the universe.
What is He?
All that you see, and all that you don't see.
Guide and guardian of the universe,
Soul and spirit of the world,
Builder and master of so great a work-
to Him all names belong.
Would you call Him Destiny?
You will not err.
Cause of causes, all things depend on Him.
Would you rather say Providence?
This will be right.
By His plan the world is guided safely through its motions.
Or Nature?
This title does Him no wrong.
Of Him are all things born, and in Him all things live.
Or Universe?
You are not mistaken.
He is all that we see,
wholly present in every part,
sustaining this entire creation.

quote 3046  | 
Davis, Chas. Greek and Roman Stoicism. Boston: Herbert B. Turner and Co., 1903, pp. 226, 236, 241. 

I f we had understanding,
Would we ever cease chanting and blessing the Divine Power, both openly and in secret?
Whether digging or ploughing or eating, should we not sing a hymn to God?

Great is God, for He has given us the instruments to till the ground …
He has given us hands, the power of digestion, and the wisdom of the body that controls the breath.

Great is God, for He has given us a mind to apprehend these things and to duly use them!

I am old and lame-what else can I do but sing to God?
Were I nightingale, I should do after the manner of a nightingale.
Were I a swan, I should do after the manner of a swan.
But now, since I am a reasonable man, I must sing to God: this is my work.
I will do it; I will not desert my post …

And I call upon you to join this self-same hymn.

quote 3045  | 
Crossley, Hastings, trans. The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. New York: P E Collier and Son, 1909, verses 1, 66, 77. 

T he Philosophers say that there is a God, and that His Will directs the Universe … But the more important lesson is to discover God's nature. Upon discovering that nature, a man would please God by making his own nature like unto God's. If the Divine is faithful, he must also be faithful; if free, he must also be free; if beneficent, he must also be beneficent; if magnanimous, he must also be magnanimous. Thus to make God's nature one's own, a man must imitate Him in every thought, word, and deed.

quote 3044  | 
Crossley, Hastings, trans. The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. New York: P E Collier and Son, 1909, verses 1, 66, 77. 

S how me a Man of God.
Show me a man modeled after the doctrines that are ever upon his lips.
Show me a man who is hard-pressed-and happy,
In danger-and happy,
On his death-bed-and happy,
in exile-and happy,
In evil report-and happy.

Show him to me.
I ask again.

So help me, Heaven,
I long to see one Man of God!
And if you cannot show me one fully realized, let me see one in whom the process is at work or one whose bent is in that direction.
Do me that favor!
Grudge it not to an old man, to behold such wonder.
Do you think I wish to see the Zeus or Athena of Phidias, sparkling with ivory and gold?
No. Show me one of you, a human soul, longing to be of one with God.

quote 3043  | 
Crossley, Hastings, trans. The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. New York: P E Collier and Son, 1909, verses 1, 66, 77. 

Y ou have seen a hand, a foot, or perhaps a head severed from its body and lying some distance away. Such is the state a man brings himself to-as far as he is able-when he refuses to accept what befalls him, breaks away from helping others, or when he pursues self-seeking action. He becomes an outcast from the unity of Nature; though born of it, his own hand has cut him from it. Yet here is the beautiful proviso: it lies within everyone's power to join Nature once again. God has not granted such favor to any other part of creation: once you have been separated, once you have been cleft asunder, He will, at any moment, allow you to return.

0 Universe, all that is in tune with you is also in tune with me. Every note of your harmony resonates in my innermost being. For me, nothing is early and nothing is late if it is timely for you. 0 Nature, all that your seasons bring is fruit for me. From thee comes all things; in thee do all things live and grow; and to thee do all things return. "Dear City of God" is our cry, even though the poets say, "Dear City of the King."

Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should he. Be one yourself!

quote 3042  | 
Book 8:34, Book 4:23, and Book 10: 16 

R emember that the Hidden Power within us pulls the strings; there is the guiding force, there is the life, there, one might say, is the man himself Never think of yourself as a mere body with its various appendages; the body is like the ax of a carpenter: dare we think that the ax is the carpenter himself? Without this Inner Cause, which dictates both action and inaction, the body is of no more use than the weaver's shuttle without a weaver, the writer's pen without a writer, or the coachman's whip without a horse and carriage.

Honor the highest thing in the Universe; it is the power on which all things depend; it is the light by which all of life is guided. Honor the highest within yourself; for it, too, is the power on which all things depend, and the light by which all life is guided.

Dig within. Within is the well-spring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig.

quote 3041  | 
Book 10:38, Book 5:2 1, and Book 7:59. 

I t is possible to live out your whole life in perfect contentment, even though the whole world deafens you with its roar and wild beasts tear apart your body like a lump of clay. For nothing can shake a steady mind out of its peaceful repose; nothing can bar it from correct judgment, nor defeat its readiness to see the benefit that all things bring.

quote 3040  | 
Book 7:68. 

A s Marcus, I have Rome; as a human being, I have the Universe.

quote 3039  | 
Book 7:13, Book 11:9, and Book 6:44. 

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