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Wisdom and teachings of

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L ord Lao Jun said: The great Tao has no form, yet it gives birth to Heaven and Earth. The great Tao has no desires, yet it moves the sun and moon along their orbits. The great Tao has no name, yet it constantly nurtures the myriad phenomena. I do not know its name, and yet I attempt to speak of it as the Tao.

quote 7454  |   The Qing Jing Jing

W hen sky and earth follow the natural Tao, the impure breath will disappear. The mysterious emptiness of the cavern will illuminate the great oneness.

quote 7453  |   Invocations
Invocation for Purification of the Sky and the Earth 

L et the true spirit descend. Let the immortals come. This I sincerely petition. Let my vision reach the nine celestial realms.

quote 7452  |   Invocations
Invocation for Dedication of Incense 

B efore the fragrant incense and jade pure incense stove, I stand single-minded before the celestial lords.

quote 7451  |   Invocations
Invocation for Dedication of Incense 

T he Tao is approached from the heart. As the smoke rises, let my heart ascend to the Tao.

quote 7450  |   Invocations
Invocation for Dedication of Incense 

L et its scent surround the universe. Let it spread to the ten directions. Let all the spirits reveal their golden light.

quote 7449  |   Invocations
Invocation for Lighting the Incense Stove 

T he smoke rises from the Incense stove, the breath of the Tao lingers. With dedication offer this fragrant incense.

quote 7448  |   Invocations
Invocation for Lighting the Incense Stove 

P urity is heavenly qi; impurity is earthly qi. Motion is Yang qi; stillness is Yin qi. Heaven’s purity is pure Yang; Earth’s impurity is pure Yin.

quote 7447  |   Sima Chengzhen
The Way of Immortals Tranquil Sitting Classic (Zuo Wang Lun) 

T he Heavenly Lord said: My Tao is like the sun, whose light universally illuminate all, so that people can differentiate many and various appearances and phenomena. Without light, eyes cannot see. Therefore, you should practice Tao carefully, and never stop in the middle of the practice.

quote 7446  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

T he Heavenly Lord said: Studying Tao is very difficult, because ghosts, spirits, and demon kings prevent people from achieving the perfection. They only want people to die and do not like anyone to achieve the Tao of immortality.

quote 7445  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

A ll blessings come from joy; all givings can arouse joy from the hearts [of both the givers and the receivers].

quote 7444  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

W hen there are dirtiness accumulated on one’s body, he will wish to bath, but his heart being defiled and his six-consciousness being polluted, he does not wish to clean them -- because he is deluded and perplexed.

quote 7443  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

A fter eating honey, your mouth is filled with sweetness, and your tongue has the remaining flavour. Tasting my words (words of Tao) is like that, and much greater than that.

quote 7442  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

I f any one wishes to cultivate Tao, he should firstly cultivate merits.

quote 7441  |   The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing

- Do not have any relations or exchange with the unworthy or live among the confused and defiled. Always strive to control yourself, becoming perched and composed in clarity and emptiness. - Precepts of Initial Perfection

quote 7440  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

D o not be greedy or acquisitive without ever being satisfied or accumulate wealth without giving some away. Always practise moderation in all things and show kindness and sympathy to the poor and destitute. Precepts of Initial Perfection

quote 7439  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

D o not slander or defame the worthy and good or exhibit your talents and elevate yourself. Always praise the beauty and goodness of others and never be contentious about your own accomplishments and abilities. - Precepts of Initial Perfection

quote 7438  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

D o not secretly steal things, harbour hidden plots, or harm other beings in order to profit yourself. Always practise hidden virtue and widely aid the host of living beings. - Precepts of Initial Perfection

quote 7437  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

P ractise benevolence wherever you find an opportunity, and let your deeds of merit be unheeded (yin).

quote 7436  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

A nything evil refrain ye from doing; all good deeds do! So will you be released forever from the influence of evil stars, and always be encompassed by good guardian spirits.

quote 7435  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

B e mindful when you are alone in the shadow of your coverlet.

quote 7434  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

L et your work conform to Heaven’s reason, and let your speech express humaneness.

quote 7433  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

H e, who wants to expand the field of happiness, let him lay the foundation of it on the bottom of his heart.

quote 7432  |   The treatise on the unseen merits

T he Three Altar Stars (San Tai Xing): Energy of the Void, The Scholar and Warrior Stars that give balance – From them I am born: From them I receive nourishment; they protect my human form.

quote 7431  |   The Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Ben Ming Yan Sheng Zhen Jing

A ll the constellations rotate around the Celestial Pivot, day and night without stopping. We abide by the solemnity of the ritual. So that we may attain immortality.

quote 7430  |   The Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Ben Ming Yan Sheng Zhen Jing

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