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M ore than all else do I cherish at heart that love which makes me to live a limitless life in this world.

candle quote 8409  | 


M an concealeth all the sins he committeth, but at last they are all disclosed.

candle quote 8407  | 


I n order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad Gita with full understanding it is necessary to attune our soul to it.

candle quote 5367  |   Rudolf Steiner


T he Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.

candle quote 5359  |   Aldous Huxley


I t (Hinduism) was my first meeting with a philosophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless.

candle quote 5352  |   William Butler Yeats


W hen I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems so superfluous.

candle quote 5343  |   Albert Einstein


O pposite of life is not death. The suffering is.

candle quote 4510  |   Adrian Predrag Kezele


I talk always to the man who walks along with me;
-men who talk to themselves hope to talk to God someday-
My soliloquies amount to discussions with this old friend.
who taught me the secret of loving human beings
And when the day arrives for the last leaving of all,
and the ship that never returns to port is ready to go,
you´ll find me on board, light, with few belongings,
almost naked like the children of the sea."

candle quote 4006  |   Antonio Machado
"Portrait", Translated from spanish by Robert Bly, ed. Espasa Calpe, col. Austral #33 poem XCVII 


D adu says: I am nothing and can do nothing
Truly even a fool may reach Thee by Thy grace.

candle quote 3873  | 
Jiwat Mritak; Orr, 1947, p. 142 


M y enemy "I" is now dead; now none can slay me.
'Tis I who have slain myself; I have died, arid yet live.
While the thought of self remains, so long are there two.
When this selfhood is destroyed, then there is no second.
Then only will you find the Beloved, when "I" and "mine" are wholly lost.
When "I" and "mine" are no more, then shall you find the pure vision. "I" and "mine" are a load upon the head; you die with the weight of it. (1)

In front of [the true] I, stands the [false] I; for this reason, He remains hidden. (2)

candle quote 3872  | 
(1) Jiwat Mritak; Orr, 1947, pp. 162-163 ; (2) Jiwat Mritak; Orr, 1947, p. 142 


W hen I am not, then there is One; when I intrude, then two.
When the curtain of "I" and "Thou" is drawn aside, then do I become as I was [in the Beginning].

candle quote 3871  | 
Jiwat Mritak; Orr, 1947, pp. 105-106 


M y enemy "I" is dead; now none can smite me down.
'Tis I who have slain myself; thus, being dead, I live.
We have slain our enemy, we have died; but he is not forgotten;
The thorn remains to vex us. Consider and lay this truth to heart:
You will only find the Beloved when you are as the living dead,
Only by losing yourself can you find Him who knows all.
When you regard yourself as nothing, then you will find the Beloved.
Recognize, therefore, by quiet reflection, from whence this thought of sell' arises.
Becoming as the living dead, enter onto the path

candle quote 3870  | 
Jiwat Mritak; Orr, 1947, pp. 105-106 


W here Rama is, there I am not; where I am, there Rama is not.
This mansion is of delicate construction; there is no place for two.
While self remains, so long will there be a second;
When this selfhood is blotted out, then there is no other.
When I am not, there is but One; when I obtrude, then two.
When the veil of "I" is taken away, then does the One become as It was.

candle quote 3869  | 
Parcha; Orr, 1947, p. 66 


L ove cannot be found through words. Let no one put his faith in them.

candle quote 3868  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 168 


W ithout love all is false, try however hard you may.
The pain of separation is not born of words; desire [for God] is not born of words.

candle quote 3867  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 168 


W ithout a torturing thirst, how should one drink the bliss of communion with the Lord?
0 God, give me an aching desire to behold the vision of Thee!
Desire [for God] does not arise without the pain of separation;
How could love exist without this pain?

candle quote 3866  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 168 


T he Creator has many and diverse names:
Choose the name that comes to mind; thus do all the saints practice remembrance.
The Lord who endowed us with soul and body-worship Him in your heart ;
Worship Him by that name which best suits the moment.

candle quote 3865  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 140 


W onderful is the Name; it holds the truth of the three worlds.
Considering this, 0 heart, repeat it night and day.
Wonderful is the Name; let the heart never forget Hari.
Let his image dwell in the heart; cherish it with every breath.
When you cherish Him with every breath, one day He will come to meet you.
... Abandon all other means of approach, and devote yourself to the Name of Rama.

candle quote 3864  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 141 


W hile the mind is unstable, there can be no union;
When the mind becomes stable, He will be found with ease.
How can the mind remain firm without some resting place?
It merely keeps wandering here and there.
It will become stable only when you settle It on the remembrance of God.
Where you hold fast to His Name with a steadfast mindthere, says Dadu, is Rama.
Delight in the remembrance of Hari; then will the mind become steadfast.
When it has tasted the fellowship of love, it will not move away a single step.
When it is fixed on the One within, it finds no joy in other attractions;
Fixed firmly there, it does not wander anywhere else.
Like a gull, perched on a boat's mast in mid-ocean, the mind,
After it has grown weary of flying here and there, has found its resting-place.
Then only does my soul find peace and happiness, when my mind has become stable,
Steadfastly fixed on Rama. if only one could learn this secret!
The pure mind is stable; its joy is in the name of Rama.
in this way, you too shall find the vision of Him who is supreme and perfect Bliss.

candle quote 3863  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 170-171 


T each me, 0 Hari, to reverence Thy pure Name, that my heart may be glad in Thy worship.
Make my heart to overflow with love, devotion, yearning, 0 Hari!
Make me gentle in speech and humble of bearing, rejoicing in
Thy presence, 0 Rama!
Fill me with spiritual longing, detachment from the world, and a loving heart.
May I steadfastly cherish the desire to remain ever-devoted to Thy feet.
Grant me quiet contentment and self-control, and keep my heart firmly directed toward Thee.
O Ever-Present, awaken me to the sense of Thy constant presence.
O Mohan, grant me knowledge, and the power of meditation, that my mind may continually turn to Thee.
O Lord of the humble, grant that the Light of lights may illumine Dadu's heart.

candle quote 3862  | 
Psalm 181; Orr, 1947, p. 124 


B e done with self and worship Hari; cast off worldly desire in mind and body.
Cherish goodwill towards every living creature; this, says Dadu, is the sum of religion.
He is the true saint who bears enmity to none;
There is but one Spirit, and he has no enemy.
I have made diligent quest: truly, there is no second.
In every man is the one Spirit, whether he be Hindu or Muslim.
Both brethren have alike hands and feet, both have ears;
Both brethren have eyes, be they Hindus or Muslims.
When you look in the mirror of ignorance, there appears to be two;
When error is dispelled and ignorance vanishes, there is no other?
To whom then will you bear enmity, when there is no other?
He from whose Being all sprang, the same One dwells in all.
In every man is the one Spirit; hold Him therefore in reverent respect.
Recognize that Spirit in yourself and others; it is the manifestation of the Lord.
Why give pain to any when the indwelling Rama is in every man?
0 revered Self, give peace and contentment; For there is none but Thee in all the three worlds.
When the soul perceives the Self, then are all souls brethren;
Give your heart to Him who is the Creator of all.
When a dog wanders into a palace of mirrors, it sees its own reflection everywhere, and begins barking.
See how the One has likewise become many, and angrily seeks to destroy itself.
All souls are brother-souls, the offspring of one Womb;
Consider this truth! Who, then, is the other, 0 foolish man?
All came in one likeness; it was the Lord who sent them;
They have all taken different names, and thus become separate.
Worship the divine Self, and bear hatred toward none;
In this worship you will find peace, in hatred only sorrow

candle quote 3861  | 
Psalm 7, Pad 151; Orr, 1947, pp. 191-192 


A h me! oft do I feel such pangs of separation from my Beloved that I am like to die unless I see Him.
Maiden, hearken to the tale of my agony; I am restless without my Beloved.
In my yearning desire for the Beloved I break into song day and night; I pour out my woes like the nightingale.
Ah me! Who will bring me to my Beloved? Who will show me His path and console my heart?
Dadu says: 0 Lord, let me see Thy face, even for a moment, and be blessed.

candle quote 3860  | 
Psalm 7, Pad 151; Orr, 1947, p. 66 


O ne says "Swami," one says "Shaikh"; neither grasps the mystery of this world.
One speaks of "Rama" and the other of "Allah," but they have not known either Rama or Allah!
... Says Dadu: I am neither a Hindu or a Muslim. I follow none of the Six Systems [of philosophy]; I worship the Merciful.
Dadu belongs to neither faction: he -is the slave of Allah Rama. He who is without form or limitation, He alone is my Guru.

candle quote 3859  | 
Bani 190, 191; Orr, 1947, p. 62 


I f I say, "He is One," it is a lie; if I say, "He is two," I am guilty of slander.
Kabir knows Him as He is, but cannot express Him.
The devotee who can stay in that place where the Invisible and the manifest are one,
Like a lamp in the doorway, illumines both what is within and what is without.
As a piece of cloth is not different from the threads which comprise it,
So Brahman is not different from the world, and the world is not different from Brahman.
0 Kabir, there is no difference between the world, the Creator, and Brahman; Brahman is in all and all is in Brahman.
The fire is one, whether it bums in a lamp or a torch; so Brahman is all, and in Him exist all souls, God, and the world.
Unity is the essence of the teachings of all the saints;
Laugh at Kabir if you do not become perfect by living in accord with this truth!

candle quote 3858  | 
Bijak, Shastri, 1941; pp. 42-43 


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