World  Spiritual  Heritage


84 quote(s)  | Page 4 / 4

T he nights that have departed will never return. They are profitable for one who is given to dharma (righteousness).

quote 6054  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 14/25 

T he unenlightened takes millions of lives to extirpate the effects of karma whereas a man possessing spiritual knowledge and discipline obliterates them in a single moment.

quote 6053  |   Mahavira
Bhagavati Aradhana, 10 

T hat which subdues passions, leads to beatitude and fosters friendliness is called knowledge.

quote 6052  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 5/71 

T hat with the help of which we can know the truth, control the restless mind, and purify the soul is called knowledge.

quote 6051  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 5/70 

O nly that science is a great and the best of all sciences, the study of which frees man from all kinds of miseries.

quote 6050  |   Mahavira
Isibhasiya, 7/1 

J ust as a threaded (sasutra) needle is secure from being lost, in the same way a person given to selfstudy (sasutra) cannot be lost.

quote 6049  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 29/59 

A ll unenlightened persons produce sufferings. Having become deluded, they produce and reproduce sufferings, in this endless world.

quote 6048  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 6/1 

E ndowed with conduct and discipline, Who practices control of self, Who throws out all his bondage, He attains the eternal place.

quote 6047  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 20/52 

T here’s no knowledge without right faith, No conduct is possible without knowledge, Without conduct, there’s no liberation, And without liberation, no deliverance.

quote 6046  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 27/30 

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