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The quotes of Mahavira

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T he bhiksu (ascetic) should not be angry with one who abuses him. Otherwise he would be like the ignoramus. He should not therefore lose his temper.

quote 6079  |   Mahavira
Uttaradhyayana, 2/24 

T he sadhaka (one who practices spiritual discipline) speaks words that are measured and beneficial to all living beings.

quote 6078  |   Mahavira
Kartikeyanupreksa, 334 

D iscipline of speech consists in refraining from telling lies and in observing silence.

quote 6077  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 332 

O ne should not utter displeasing words that arouse ill feelings in others. One should not indulge in speech conducive to the evil.

quote 6076  |   Mahavira
Dasavaikalika , 8/47 

O ne should not speak unless asked to do so. He should not disturb others in conversation. He should not back-bite and indulge in fraudulent untruth.

quote 6075  |   Mahavira
Dasavaikalika, 8/46 

O ne can bear all kinds of unbearable pain caused by spikes in expectation of wealth etc. But he alone who tolerates, without any motive of worldly gain, harsh words spoken to him is venerable.

quote 6074  |   Mahavira
Dasavaikalika, 9/3/6 

O ne may have a tuft or matted hair on the head or a shaven head, remain naked or wear a rag. But if he tells a lie, all this is futile or fruitless.

quote 6073  |   Mahavira
Bhagavat Aradhana, 843 

T ruthfulness indeed is tapa (penance). In truthfulness do reside selfrestraint and all other virtues. Just as the fish can live only in the sea, so can all other virtues reside in Truthfulness alone.

quote 6072  |   Mahavira
Bhagavati Aradhana, 842 

A truthful man is treated as reliable as the mother, as venerable as the guru (preceptor) and as beloved as the one who commands knowledge.

quote 6071  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 837 

T he ascetic who never thinks of telling a lie out of attachment, aversion or delusion is indeed the practiser of the second vrata of truthfulness.

quote 6070  |   Mahavira
Niyamasara, 57 

T ruth alone is the essence in the world.

quote 6069  |   Mahavira
Prasnavyakarna, 2/2 

O Self! Practice Truth, and nothing but Truth.

quote 6068  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 3/66 

O ne devoted whole-heartedly to knowledge, faith and right conduct equally accomplishes in full the task of the sramana.

quote 6067  |   Mahavira
Pravachansara, 42 

O ne who remains equanimous in the midst of pleasures and pains is a sramana, being in the state of pure consciousness.

quote 6066  |   Mahavira
Pravachansara, 1/14 

J ust as I do not like misery, so do others. Knowing this, one neither kills, nor gets killed. A Sramana is so called because he behaves equanimously.

quote 6065  |   Mahavira
Anuyogadvara, 708, gatha 3 

L et me give up attachment through unattachment. My soul will be my only support (in this practice of unattachment). (Hence) let me give up everything else.

quote 6064  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/44 

( One should reflect thus:) Let me treat all living beings with eqanimity and none with enmity. Let me attain samadhi (tranquility) by becoming free from expectations.

quote 6063  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/42 

O nly the one who has transcended fear can experience equanimity.

quote 6062  |   Mahavira
Sutrakrtanga, 1/2/2/17 

O ne who cultivates an attitude of equality towards all living beings, mobile and stationary, can attain equanimity. Thus do the kevalis say.

quote 6061  |   Mahavira

Anuyogadvar, 708, gatha 2

D on’t be proud if you gain. Nor be sorry if you lose.

quote 6060  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 2/4/114, 115 

T o kill any living being amounts to killing oneself. Compassion to others is compassion to one’s own self. Therefore one should avoid violence like poison and thorn (that cause pain).

quote 6059  |   Mahavira
Bhagavati Aradhana, 797 

J ust as you do not like misery, in the same way others also do not like it. Knowing this, you should do unto them what you want them to do unto you.

quote 6058  |   Mahavira
Bhagavati Aradhana, 780 

D on’t kill any living beings. Don’t try to rule them.

quote 6057  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 4/23 

M y soul characterised by knowledge and faith is alone eternal. All other phases of my existence to which I am attached are external occurrences that are transitory.

quote 6056  |   Mahavira
Niyamsara, 99 

T hose who are ignorant of the supreme purpose of life will never be able to attain nirvana (liberation) in spite of their observance of the vratas (vows) and niymas (rules) of religious conduct and practice of shila (celibacy) and tapas (penance).

quote 6055  |   Mahavira
Samayasara, 153 

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