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Jinendra Varni

110 quote(s)  | Page 4 / 5

A person, who has in him even an iota of attachment, though he may be knowing all the scriptures, will not understand the nature of the soul, He who does not know the (nature of) soul, will not know the non-soul also. How can a person not knowing the soul and the non-soul, become a person having right faith?

quote 6164  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 19/250 & 251 

T hose who have renounced the jewel of right faith will continue to wander in different states of mundane existence, as they are devoid of proper devotions to virtuous qualities, even though they may be knowing the various scriptures.

quote 6163  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 19/249 

A needle with a thread (in it) does not get lost even when it falls in a heap of rubbish, so a person endowed with scriptural knowledge does not lose his self, even if involved in transmigratory cycle .

quote 6162  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 19/248 

A gain, under the influence of his (scriptural) knowledge, he becomes firm in his faith, meditation, observance of vows and self-restraint, and lives a life of purity throughout his lifetime without any wavering.

quote 6161  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 19/246 

A fter listening to scriptures, a person comes to know what is good and what is sinful, having thus known through listening, one ought to perform what leads to welfare.

quote 6160  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 19/245 

A fter having experienced for the entire life incomparable enjoyments appropriate to human beings one attains the right-understanding that leads to emancipation on account of the religious performances undertaken by one in one’s earlier births. Having realized that four things (viz. human birth, listening to scriptures, having faith in scriptures, appropriate practical endeavour) are difficult to attain, one observes self-restraint and having annihilated one’s past karmans through penance, one becomes for ever a soul emancipated.

quote 6159  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/206 & 207 

T he men of merit (punyatma) after enjoying his divine status in heaven at the end of his life span will be born as a human being with ten types of worldly enjoyment.

quote 6158  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/205 

T herefore, do not develop attachment for or association with either of them. One loses one’s freedom by attachment to or association with what is evil.

quote 6157  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/202 

K now that an inauspicious Karma (results in) misery while an auspicious Karma in (worldly) happiness; but how can it be said that auspicious Karma results in happiness when it leads to mundane existence?

quote 6156  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/200 

H e who aspires for merit, i.e. worldly well being, aspires for life in this mundane world; merit (punya) is capable of securing a pleasant state of existence; but it is cessation of merits (punya Karma) only that leads to liberation.

quote 6155  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/199 

I f a wise person ignorantly considers that by doing pure (i.e., religious) performance he will be free from sorrow then he is the follower of an alien view, i.e., wrong faith.

quote 6154  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/194 

T he faith, the knowledge and the conduct together constitute the path of liberation; this is the path to be followed. The saints have said that if it is followed in the right way it will lead to liberation and otherwise it will lead to bondage.

quote 6153  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/193 

T he path’ and the ‘result of (following) the path’ these two things have been proclaimed in the discipline preached by the Jinas. Really `right faith’ is the path and liberation is the result .

quote 6152  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 16/192 

A fter knowing that the pure soul is different from everything else, is there any wise man who says “this is mine”?

quote 6151  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 15/190 

T he pure soul is free from complexes, attachment, blemishes, desire, anger, pride, lust and all other kinds of defects.

quote 6150  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam 15/187 

T he pure soul is free from activities of thought, speech and body. He is independent, infallible and fearless. He is also free from mineness, attachment and delusion.

quote 6149  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 15/186 

K now for certain that the soul is the home of excellent virtues, the best among the substances and the highest reality among the realities

quote 6148  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 15/177 

A lamp lights hundreds of other lamps and yet remains lighted; so are the Acaryas who like a lamp enlighten others and continue to remain enlightened themselves.

quote 6147  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 14/176 

A person acquires knowledge and concentration of mind by studying scriptures. He becomes firm in religion and helps others to acquire that firmness. Thus through the studies of scriptures he becomes absorbed in the contemplation of what is expounded therein.

quote 6146  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 14/174 

N ot indulging in jokes, ever controlling oneself, not revealing the secrets of others, not lacking good manners, not exhibiting bad manners, not being very much greedy, not being angry and being committed to truthfulness; these are eight traits of character on account of which one is called a (true) lover of education.

quote 6145  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 14/172 & 173 

P ride, anger, negligence, disease and laziness, these are five factors on account of which one fails to receive education.

quote 6144  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 14/ 171 

H e who is modest and respectful gains knowledge and he who is arrogant and disrespectful fails to gain knowledge. He who is aware of these two facts acquires education.

quote 6143  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 14/170 

A n idle person can never be happy, and sleepy person can never acquire knowledge. A person with attachments cannot acquire renunciation, and he who is violent cannot acquire compassion.

quote 6142  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 13/167 

T he ignorant cannot destroy their Karmas by their actions while the wise can do it by their inaction i.e. by controlling their activities because they are free from greed and lustful passions and do not commit any sin as they remain contented.

quote 6141  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 13/165 

C arelessness is the cause of Karma i.e. influx. Vigilance stops it. He who is unvigilant is ignorant, and he who is vigilant is wise.

quote 6140  |   Jinendra Varni
Saman Suttam, 13/164 

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