W ho tells a secret will forfeit trust, and find no true friend. quote 6736 | Jeshua ben Sirach 27:16
T he first man knew it not perfectly, neither will the last search it thoroughly; for its understanding is wider than the sea and its counsel deeper than the abyss. [Torah] quote 6540 | Jeshua ben Sirach 24: 28,29
F lee from a sin as from a snake, for if you draw nigh it will bite you! quote 6428 | Jeshua ben Sirach 21:2
L et your friends be many but your confidant only one in a thousand! quote 6413 | Jeshua ben Sirach 6:6
H onour your physician according to your need of him! For verily the Lord has created him; and from the Lord comes his wisdom. quote 6396 | Jeshua ben Sirach 38:1
W isdom was the first of all created things;Intelligent purpose has been there from the beginning. quote 3033 | Jeshua ben Sirach The New English Bible. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961, Chapter 1, verses 1-10, and Chapter 4, verses 11-13.