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The quotes of Iraqi

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L isten, riffraff: Do you want to be ALL?
Then go, go and become nothing.

You are nothing when you wed the One;
But, when you truly become nothing,
You are everything.

Regard yourself as a cloud drifting before your Sun;
Detach yourself from the senses,
And behold your intimacy with the Sun.

If you lose yourself on this path,
Then you will know for sure:
He is you, and you are He.

quote 3794  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; p. 10,112,123,120 

T he world but seems to be,
Yet it is only a blending of light and shade.
Discern the meaning of this dream;
Discriminate between time and Eternity.
All is nothing, nothing.
All is He, all is He.

quote 3793  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; p. 119 

W hen shall You and I divorce ourselves
So that "You" and "I" are gone,
And only God remains?

If You are everything,
Then, who are all these people?
And if I am nothing,
What's all this noise about?
You are the Totality;
Everything is You. Agreed!
Then, all that is "other-than -You"-
What is it?
Oh, indeed I know, nothing exists but You!
But, tell me, whence all this confusion?

He Himself speaks of Truth;
He Himself listens.
He Himself shows Himself;
He Himself sees.

quote 3792  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; p. 127,99,80 

I sought solitude with my loved one,
Yet find there is no one here but myself.
And if there were a "someone else," then, truly,
I should not have attained her.

When I clutched at His skirt,
I found His hand in my sleeve.

I am the one I love;
He whom I love is I.
Two, yet residing in a single body.

If I have become the Beloved,
Who is the lover?
Beloved, Love and lover-three in one;
There is no place for union here,
So, what is this talk of "separation?"

What He takes,
He takes with His own hand from Himself;
What He gives,
He gives from Himself to Himself.

Hunter, prey, bait, and trap;
Candle, candlestick, flame, and moth;
Beloved, lover, soul, and soul's desire;
Inebriation, drinker, wine, and cupAll is He!

Is it You or I this reality in the eye?
Beware, beware of the word, "two."

"I" and "You" have made of man a duality;
Without these words, You are I and I am You.

quote 3791  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; pp. 95,117,125,76,96,110,77,103 

O You who are so unbearably beautiful,
Whose beloved are You?" I asked.
"My own," He replied;
"For I am one and one alone-
Love, lover, beloved, mirror, beauty, eye!"

quote 3790  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; p. 111 

B eloved, I sought You here and there,
Asked for news of You from all I met.
Then I saw You through myself,
And found we were identical.
Now I blush to think I ever searched
For signs of You.
By day I praised You, but never knew it;
By night I slept with You without realizing it,
Fancying myself to be myself;
But no, I was You and never knew it.

quote 3789  |   Iraqi
in Chittock & Wilson, 1982; pp. 120, 124 

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