World  Philosophical  Heritage

History and dogmas of the sufi mystic


Sufism : History and dogmas

Sufism is a Mystic school of Islamic thought that includes philosophers and muslims.

Sufism refers to a very diverse range of schools of Islam. Although many schools or tekkes/ tariquas can be classified as Shi'a or Sunni or even both, there are some forms of Sufism that are clearly not either Shiah or Sunni and so constitute a separate sphere of Islamic faith.

Sufis believe that their teachings are the essence of every religion, and indeed of the evolution of humanity as a whole. The central concept in Sufism is "love". Dervishes -- the name given to initiates of sufi orders -- believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at itself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparent ugly, and to open arms even to the most evil one. This infinite tolerance is expressed in the most beautiful way, perhaps, by the famous Sufi philosopher and poet Mevlana (also known as Rumi) : "Come, come, whoever you are. Worshiper, Wanderer, Lover of Leaving; ours is not a caravan of despair. Though you have broken your vows a thousand times…Come, come again, Come."

Suf (???)

Suf (???) is the Arabic word for "wool", in the sense of "cloak", referring to the simple cloaks the original Sufis wore. Given the Sufis use of composing letters of words to express hidden meanings, the word is simultaneously taken to mean 'occlusion' and 'enlightenment'. This reflects the fact that Sufism is at once a popular yet occult form of Islam. In fact Sofos /Sofia literally meant "wisdom" or "enlightenment" in several languages around the Middle East. Then there is the root in certain languages - 'Saaf' which literally means "pure," "clean," "blank."

Sufis teach in personal groups, believing that the intervention of the master is necessary for the growth of the pupil. They make extensive use of parables and metaphors, in such a way that the meaning is only reachable through a process of seeking for the utmost truth and knowledge of oneself.


Sufism : Links

Islam, Abd el-Kader, Abu Bakr al Sabbak, Abu Sa'id, Adda Bentounčs, Ahmad Al-Alawi, Al Nuri, Al-Junayd, Araqi, Attar, Baba Kuhi of Shiraz, Bistami, Cheikh Ahmed Tidiane Sy, Cheikh Bamba Dieye, Dhu-l-Nun, Frithjof Schuon, Ghazzali, Hallaj, Hujwiri, Ibn 'Arabi, Ibn' Ata' Allah, Iraqi, Jami, Kalabadhi, Khaled Bentounčs, Nazir, Others Sufis Teaching, Rabia al-Adawiyya, Rumi, Shabistari, Sheikh Badruddin, Sheikh Muzaffer, Sidi Hamza al Qâdiri al Boutchichi, Umar Ibn Al-Farid, etc.

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External Links
On line Books : The Mystics of Islam by Reynold A. Nicholson. [1914].
