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Buddhism 360

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F ree of greed and with deep, perfect mindfulness and pure wisdom, I19 will perform the sacred practices; I will seek to attain the unsurpassed Way and become the teacher of devas and humans.

Buddhism quote 7747 |  Translated by Hisao Inagaki.   See original Chinese

19 “I” here refers to Dharmastore Bhikkhu, one of Amitabha Buddha’s past lives.

A nd constantly take pity on and relieve the suffering living beings. By that, Bodhisattvas never lose their immeasurable virtuous roots. If on e c an dilige ntly nur ture meritorious virtues, constantly be thankful, and take pity on living beings, then the Bodhi is already in his hand.

Buddhism quote 7748 |  Translated by Silfong Tsun.   See original Chinese

T he Tathagatas20 of the ten directions escaped birth and death because their minds were straightforward. Since their minds and words were consistently that way, from the beginning, through the intermediate stages to the end, they were never in the least evasive.

Buddhism quote 7749 |  Book 1, translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

20 Tathagata: A title of the Buddha, which means “one who has thus come or gone”. (如來:佛的稱號之一,意為:如是而來或去之人。)

A Bodhisattva should relinquish all appearances and bring forth the mind of Anuttara-samyaksambodhi21. He should bring forth thoughts which do not rely on forms or which do not rely on sounds, smells, tastes, tangible objects, or dharmas. He should bring forth thoughts which do not rely on anything.

Buddhism quote 7750 |  Translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

21 Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi: Sanskrit word meaning ‘unexcelled complete Enlightenment,’ which is an attribute of every Buddha. Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment.(阿耨多羅三藐三菩提:梵語,意為「無上正等正覺」,每一尊佛都有這項特質;至高完美的覺悟。)

I n five ways, young householder, a child should minister to his parents as the East:
(i) Having supported me I shall support them,
(ii) I shall do their duties,
(iii) I shall keep the family tradition,
(iv) I shall make myself worthy of my inheritance,
(v) furthermore I shall offer alms in honor of my departed relatives.

Buddhism quote 7751 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, the parents thus ministered to as the East by their children, show their compassion:
(i) they restrain them from evil,
(ii) they encourage them to do good,
(iii) they train them for a profession,
(iv) they arrange a suitable marriage,
(v) at the proper time they hand over their inheritance to them.

Buddhism quote 7752 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, should a wife as the West be ministered to by a husband:
(i) by being courteous to her,
(ii) by not despising her,
(iii) by being faithful to her,
(iv) by handing over authority to her,
(v) by providing her with adornments.

Buddhism quote 7753 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

B eing grateful, one should support one’s parents and attend to them filially. Being righteous, the senior and the junior should be empathetic towards each other. Being forbearing, the superior and the inferior should get along harmoniously. Being tolerant, no quarrel or conflict shall arise from hostility. If we can persevere like lighting a fire from drilling wood, then red lotus (the Buddha-nature) will definitely rise from the black mire (the deluded state).

Buddhism quote 7755 |  Translated by Pure Voices. Hong Kong.   See original Chinese

P eople of the world, parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and other family members and kinsmen, should respect and love each other, refraining from hatred and envy. They should share things with others, and not be greedy and miserly, always speak friendly words with a pleasing smile, and not hurt each other.

Buddhism quote 7756 |  Translated by Hisao Inagaki.   See original Chinese

I n five ways should a master minister to his servant sand employees as the Nadir:
(i) by assigning them work according to their ability,
(ii) by supplying them with food and with wages,
(iii) by tending them in sickness,
(iv) by sharing with them any delicacies,
(v) by granting them leave at times.

Buddhism quote 7757 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

T he servants and employees thus ministered to as the Nadir by their master show their compassion to him in five ways:
(i) they rise before him,
(ii) they go to sleep after him,
(iii) they take only what is given,
(iv) they perform their duties well,
(v) they uphold his good name and fame.

Buddhism quote 7758 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

R ulers should abide by morality, reign with beneficence and decree that everyone should maintain proper conduct , revere the sages, respect men of virtue, be benevolent and kind to others.

Buddhism quote 7759 |  Translated by Hisao Inagaki.   See original Chinese

T he Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, “In Jambudvipa22, leaders of nations, prime ministers, high officials, great Elders, great Ksatriyas, great Brahmans, and others may encounter those who are poor, hunchbacked, crippled, dumb, mute, deaf, retarded, blind or handicapped in other ways. Those leaders and good people may wish to give to those people and may be able to do so with great compassion, a humble heart, and a smile. They may arrange to give generously, either personally with their own hands, or by arranging for others to do so, using gentle words and sympathetic speech. The blessings and benefits that such leaders and good people will accrue will be comparable to the meritorious virtues derived from giving to as many Buddhas as there are grains of sand in a hundred Ganges Rivers. Why is that? Those leaders and good people will receive such rewards of blessings and benefits for having shown a great compassionate heart toward the most impoverished and handicapped individuals.”

Buddhism quote 7760 |  Translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

22 Jambudvipa: In the cosmologies of Hinduism and Buddhism, one of the four continents where ordinary human beings live in a world system.(閻浮提:在印度教、佛教的宇宙觀,一個世界系裡面有人類居住的四大部洲當中的一個。)

M oreover, Earth Store, in the future leaders of nations, Brahmans, and others may, upon encountering ancient Buddhist stupas and monasteries or sutras and images that are damaged, decaying, or broken, resolve to restore them. Those leaders and good people may then do so themselves or encourage others, as many as hundreds of thousands of people to help and thereby establish affinities. Those leaders and good people will become Wheel-Turning Kings for hundreds of thousands of successive lives and those who made offerings with them will be leaders of small nations for as many lives. If, before the stupas or monasteries, they resolve to dedicate that merit, then, based on that limitless and unbounded reward, those leaders, good people, and their helpers will eventually all complete the path to Buddhahood.

Buddhism quote 7761 |  Translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

T he wife thus ministered to as the West by her husband shows her compassion to her husband in five ways:
(i) she performs her duties well,
(ii) she is hospitable to relations and attendants,
(iii) she is faithful,
(iv) she protects what he brings,
(v) she is skilled and industrious in discharging her duties.

Buddhism quote 7762 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, a pupil should minister to a teacher as the South:
(i) by rising from the seat in salutation,
(ii) by attending on him,
(iii) by eagerness to learn,
(iv) by personal service,
(v) by respectful attention while receiving instructions.

Buddhism quote 7763 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, do teachers thus ministered to as the South by their pupils, show their compassion:
(i) they train them in the best discipline,
(ii) they see that they grasp their lessons well,
(iii) they instruct them in the arts and sciences,
(iv) they introduce them to their friends and associates,
(v) they provide for their safety in every quarter.

Buddhism quote 7764 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, should a householder minister to ascetics and brahmans as the Zenith:
(i) by lovable deeds,
(ii) by lovable words,
(iii) by lovable thoughts,
(iv) by keeping open house to them,
(v) by supplying their material needs.

Buddhism quote 7765 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

T he ascetics and brahmans thus ministered to as the Zenith by a householder show their compassion towards him in six ways:
(i) they restrain him from evil,
(ii) they persuade him to do good,
(iii) they love him with a kind heart,
(iv) they make him hear what he has not heard,
(v) they clarify what he has already heard,
(vi) they point out the path to a heavenly state.

Buddhism quote 7766 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

B efore the Lamps of the Worlds of the ten directions, who have just accomplished Supreme Bodhi, I24 now request and beseech them all to turn the foremost, wondrous Dharma wheel.

Buddhism quote 7767 |  Ch.40, translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

23 此句和下二句的「我」是指普賢菩薩。
24 “I” here and in the succeeding two passages refers to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

I f there are Buddhas who wish for Nirvana, I request with deep sincerity that they dwell in the world for a long time to bring benefits and bliss to every being.

Buddhism quote 7768 |  Ch.40, translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

I study with the Buddhas and practice the perfect conduct of Samantabhadra; I make offerings to all the Thus Come Ones of the past and to all present Buddhas throughout the ten directions. All future Teachers of Gods and Men whose aspirations and vows have been completed, I will follow in study throughout the three periods of time and quickly attain Great Bodhi.

Buddhism quote 7769 |  Ch.40, translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society.   See original Chinese

I n five ways, young householder, should a clansman minister to his friends and associates as the North:
(i) by liberality,
(ii) by courteous speech,
(iii) by being helpful,
(iv) by being impartial,
(v) by sincerity.

Buddhism quote 7771 |  Translated from the Pali by Narada Thera © 1996   See original Chinese

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