W ho professes to reform religion is in my eyes as if he sought to cool fire quote 6457 | Achad Ha’am
D on’t worry about tomorrow: who knows, what may befall you this day? quote 6459 | The Talmud Yebamot 63b
T he dish of two partners is neither hot nor cold. [Too many cooks spoil the broth. A shared kettle never boils.] quote 6460 | The Talmud Eiruvin
T here is no book that has not something bad in it, none that has not something good. quote 6461 | Jewish Proverb Traditional Proverb
B lessed are they that observe justice and do righteousness at all times! quote 6463 | The Psalm 106:3
A passage from Scripture can yield many meanings, just as a hammer splits one rock into many fragments. quote 6466 | The Talmud Sanhedrin 34a
W hoever lives by Torah, good deeds, humility, and the fear of Heaven, will be saved from doom. quote 6468 | The Misdrashs Pesikta R. 198a
W hat is hateful to thee, never do to thy fellow man: that is the entire Torah; all the rest is commentary. quote 6469 | The Talmud Shabbat 31a
F rom a man’s words you may know if he likes you or hates you. quote 6476 | The Misdrashs Midrash Mishle
O n six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord. quote 6478 | The Torah Shmot 35:2