Raag Aasaa
> Raag Aasaa  >
23 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

10. ||3||  
Reflecting upon my self, and conquering my mind, I have seen that there is no other friend like You. As You keep me, so do I live. You are the Giver of peace and pleasure. Whatever You do, comes to pass. ||3||
10. ||4||  
Hope and desire have both been dispelled; I have renounced my longing for the three qualities. The Gurmukh obtains the state of ecstasy, taking to the Shelter of the Saints' Congregation. ||4||
10. ||5||22||  
All wisdom and meditation, all chanting and penance, come to one whose heart is filled with the Invisible, Inscrutable Lord. O Nanak, one whose mind is imbued with the Lord's Name, finds the Guru's Teachings, and intuitively serves. ||5||22||
10. ||1||  
Aasaa, First Mehl, Panch-Padas: Your attachment to your family, your attachment to all your affairs - renounce all your attachments, for they are all corrupt. ||1||
10. ||1||Pause||  
Renounce your attachments and doubts, O brother, and dwell upon the True Name within your heart and body. ||1||Pause||
10. ||2||  
When one receives the nine treasures of the True Name, his children do not weep, and his mother does not grieve. ||2||
10. ||3||  
In this attachment, the world is drowning. Few are the Gurmukhs who swim across. ||3||
10. ||4||  
In this attachment, people are reincarnated over and over again. Attached to emotional attachment, they go to the city of Death. ||4||
10. ||5||  
You have received the Guru's Teachings - now practice meditation and penance. If attachment is not broken, no one is approved. ||5||
10. ||6||23||  
But if He bestows His Glance of Grace, then this attachment departs. O Nanak, then one remains merged in the Lord. ||6||23||
10. ||1||  
Aasaa, First Mehl: He Himself does everything, the True, Invisible, Infinite Lord. I am a sinner, You are the Forgiver. ||1||
10. ||1||Pause||  
By Your Will, everything come to pass. One who acts in stubborn-mindedness is ruined in the end. ||1||Pause||
10. ||2||  
The intellect of the self-willed manmukh is engrossed in falsehood. Without the meditative remembrance of the Lord, it suffers in sin. ||2||
10. ||3||  
Renounce evil-mindedness, and you shall reap the rewards. Whoever is born, comes through the Unknowable and Mysterious Lord. ||3||
10. ||4||  
Such is my Friend and Companion; meeting with the Guru, the Lord, devotion was implanted within me. ||4||
10. ||5||24||  
In all other transactions, one suffers loss. The Name of the Lord is pleasing to Nanak's mind. ||5||24||
10. ||1||  
Aasaa, First Mehl, Chau-Padas: Contemplate and reflect upon knowledge, and you will become a benefactor to others. When you conquer the five passions, then you shall come to dwell at the sacred shrine of pilgrimage. ||1||
10. ||1||Pause||  
You shall hear the vibrations of the tinkling bells, when your mind is held steady. So what can the Messenger of Death do to me hereafter? ||1||Pause||
10. ||2||  
When you abandon hope and desire, then you become a true Sannyaasi. When the Yogi practices abstinence, then he enjoys his body. ||2||
10. ||3||  
Through compassion, the naked hermit reflects upon his inner self. He slays his own self, instead of slaying others. ||3||
10. ||4||25||  
You, O Lord, are the One, but You have so many Forms. Nanak does not know Your wondrous plays. ||4||25||
10. ||1||  
Aasaa, First Mehl: I am not stained by only one sin, that could be washed clean by virtue. My Husband Lord is awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||
10. ||1||Pause||  
In this way, how can I become dear to my Husband Lord? My Husband Lord remains awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||Pause||

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