Raag Aasaa
> Raag Aasaa  >
18 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

81. ||1||Pause||  
O beauteous and joyful mind, imbue yourself with your true color. If you imbue yourself with the Beauteous Word of the Guru's Bani, then this color shall never fade away. ||1||Pause||
81. ||2||  
I am lowly, filthy, and totally egotistical; I am attached to the corruption of duality. But meeting with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone, I am transformed into gold; I am blended with the Pure Light of the Infinite Lord. ||2||
81. ||3||  
Without the Guru, no one is imbued with the color of the Lord's Love; meeting with the Guru, this color is applied. Those who are imbued with the Fear, and the Love of the Guru, are absorbed in the Praise of the True Lord. ||3||
81. ||4||  
Without fear, the cloth is not dyed, and the mind is not rendered pure. Without fear, the performance of rituals is false, and one finds no place of rest. ||4||
81. ||5||  
Only those whom the Lord imbues, are so imbued; they join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. From the Perfect Guru, the Sat Sangat emanates, and one easily merges into the Love of the True One. ||5||
81. ||6||  
Without the Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all remain like beasts and animals. They do not know the One who created them; without the Name, all are thieves. ||6||
81. ||7||  
Some purchase merits and sell off their demerits; through the Guru, they obtain peace and poise. Serving the Guru, they obtain the Name, which comes to dwell deep within. ||7||
81. ||8||9||31||  
The One Lord is the Giver of all; He assigns tasks to each and every person. O Nanak, the Lord embellishes us with the Name; attached to the Word of the Shabad, we are merged into Him. ||8||9||31||
81. ||1||  
Aasaa, Third Mehl: Everyone longs for the Name, but he alone receives it, unto whom the Lord shows His Mercy. Without the Name, there is only pain; he alone obtains peace, whose mind is filled with the Name. ||1||
81. ||1||Pause||  
You are infinite and merciful; I seek Your Sanctuary. From the Perfect Guru, the glorious greatness of the Naam is obtained. ||1||Pause||
81. ||2||  
Inwardly and outwardly, there is only the One Lord. He has created the world, with its many varieties. According to the Order of His Will, He makes us act. What else can we talk about, O Siblings of Destiny? ||2||
81. ||3||  
Knowledge and ignorance are all your making; You have control over these. Some, You forgive, and unite with Yourself; while others, the wicked, you strike down and drive out of Your Court. ||3||
81. ||4||  
Some, from the very beginning, are pure and pious; You attach them to Your Name. Serving the Guru, peace wells up; through the True Word of the Shabad, one comes to understand. ||4||
81. ||5||  
Some are crooked, filthy and vicious; the Lord Himself has led them astray from the Name. They have no intuition, no understanding and no self-discipline; they wander around delirious. ||5||
81. ||6||  
He grants faith to those whom He has blessed with His Glance of Grace. This mind finds truth, contentment and self-discipline, hearing the Immaculate Word of the Shabad. ||6||
81. ||7||  
By reading books, one cannot reach Him; by speaking and talking, His limits cannot be found. Through the Guru, His value is found; through the True Word of the Shabad, understanding is obtained. ||7||
81. ||8||10||32||  
So reform this mind and body, by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. O Nanak, within this body is the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it is found through the Love of the Infinite Guru. ||8||10||32||
81. ||...||  
Aasaa, Third Mehl: The happy soul-brides are imbued with Truth; they are adorned with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

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