Raag Aasaa
> Raag Aasaa  >
19 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

134. ||3||  
When the Messenger of Death strikes him with his club, in an instant, everything is settled. ||3||
134. ||4||  
The Lord's humble servant is called the most exalted Saint; he obeys the Command of the Lord's Order, and obtains peace. Whatever is pleasing to the Lord, he accepts as True; he enshrines the Lord's Will within his mind. ||4||
134. ||5||3||16||  
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints - it is false to call out, "Mine, mine." Breaking the bird cage, death takes the bird away, and only the torn threads remain. ||5||3||16||
134. ||1||  
Aasaa: I am Your humble servant, Lord; Your Praises are pleasing to my mind. The Lord, the Primal Being, the Master of the poor, does not ordain that they should be oppressed. ||1||
134. ||1||Pause||  
O Qazi, it is not right to speak before Him. ||1||Pause||
134. ||2||  
Keeping your fasts, reciting your prayers, and reading the Kalma, the Islamic creed, shall not take you to paradise. The Temple of Mecca is hidden within your mind, if you only knew it. ||2||
134. ||3||  
That should be your prayer, to administer justice. Let your Kalma be the knowledge of the unknowable Lord. Spread your prayer mat by conquering your five desires, and you shall recognize the true religion. ||3||
134. ||4||  
Recognize Your Lord and Master, and fear Him within your heart; conquer your egotism, and make it worthless. As you see yourself, see others as well; only then will you become a partner in heaven. ||4||
134. ||5||4||17||  
The clay is one, but it has taken many forms; I recognize the One Lord within them all. Says Kabeer, I have abandoned paradise, and reconciled my mind to hell. ||5||4||17||
134. ||1||  
Aasaa: From the city of the Tenth Gate, the sky of the mind, not even a drop rains down. Where is the music of the sound current of the Naad, which was contained in it? The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, the Master of wealth has taken away the Supreme Soul. ||1||
134. ||1||Pause||  
O Father, tell me: where has it gone? It used to dwell within the body, and dance in the mind, teaching and speaking. ||1||Pause||
134. ||2||  
Where has the player gone - he who made this temple his own? No story, word or understanding is produced; the Lord has drained off all the power. ||2||
134. ||3||  
The ears, your companions, have gone deaf, and the power of your organs is exhausted. Your feet have failed, your hands have gone limp, and no words issue forth from your mouth. ||3||
134. ||4||  
Having grown weary, the five enemies and all the thieves have wandered away according to their own will. The elephant of the mind has grown weary, and the heart has grown weary as well; through its power, it used to pull the strings. ||4||
134. ||5||5||18||  
He is dead, and the bonds of the ten gates are opened; he has left all his friends and brothers. Says Kabeer, one who meditates on the Lord, breaks his bonds, even while yet alive. ||5||5||18||
134. ||1||  
Aasaa, 4 Ik-Tukas: No one is more powerful than the she-serpent Maya, who deceived even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ||1||
134. ||1||Pause||  
Having bitten and struck them down, she now sits in the immaculate waters. By Guru's Grace, I have seen her, who has bitten the three worlds. ||1||Pause||
134. ||2||  
O Siblings of Destiny, why is she called a she-serpent? One who realizes the True Lord, devours the she-serpent. ||2||
134. ||3||  
No one else is more frivolous than this she-serpent. When the she-serpent is overcome, what can the Messengers of the King of Death do? ||3||

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Section 134
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